HomeNewsZGT Almelo monitors patients remotely via sensors

ZGT Almelo monitors patients remotely via sensors

Together with Mathilde Hermans, researcher of the University of Twente and the Personalized eHealth Technology program, the ZGT in Almelo is testing a technology that monitors their patients remotely. Sensors on the chest and around the finger should recognize problems after surgery. For the time being, the trial focuses on patients who are at increased risk of complications.

Read more on the website of rtvoost (In Dutch): https://www.rtvoost.nl/nieuws/304156/ZGT-Almelo-houdt-patienten-op-afstand-in-de-gaten-via-sensoren and watch https://www.rtvoost.nl/tv/programma/63/Overijssel-Vandaag/aflevering/491298

(Photo: RTV Oost)