PhD student Hasib Mustafa won the second prize in the rather competitive "best student poster award" at the ICPEPA11, the International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications.
The key topics of the conference were research activities on emerging new application of photo-excited processes in green energy as well as new topics on fast and precise processing with ultra-short pulse lasers, 3D printing and industrial applications.
The presented work of Hasib Mustafa discussed the effect of surface roughness on the laser ablation threshold of zinc, forming steel and galvanized steel. Hasib: “We found that within the boundaries of our experimental (laser) conditions, the ablation threshold increases with increasing surface roughness. It is counter-intuitive to the fact that light absorption increases with increasing surface roughness.”
The experimental work and the proposed solution was valued highly by the experts in the field of laser-material interaction. Besides the scientific content of the poster, the way in which the "presenter" presented the poster also played a role in the evaluation. Six students were awarded for outstanding poster award out of 101 participants. The work of Hasib won 2nd prize.