HomeEventsDSI Meet Up: Security & Digitalisation

DSI Meet Up: Security & Digitalisation April edition

The DSI Meet Up on Tuesday 16 April will be about the Centre for Security and Digitalisation in Apeldoorn (CVD).

This CVD is one of UT's satellite locations so to say, where a lot is happening. But do you already know what exactly is happening at the CVD? During this lunch seminar, a team of involved UT colleagues will briefly touch upon the highlights currently taking place in Apeldoorn and thereby try to convey their enthusiasm to the audience. Will you be one of the next colleagues joining in the various opportunities this lively centre offers?


L. Kalverda MSc (Leontien)
Program Manager Shaping 2030

Leontien Kalverda recently joined UT's CVD-team and will present the LLL-activities.

prof.dr.ir. R.M. van Rijswijk - Deij (Roland)
Full Professor

Roland van Rijswijk - Deij collaborates with the TU/e on a new Security Operation Center within the perimeters of the CVD, hopefully serving both companies and public / educational institutions in the East of the Netherlands.

M. de Roo (Mariska)
Business Development Digital Society Institute

Mariska de Roo covers the business development domains for the UT within Apeldoorn and thus forms the linking pin to the IT- and SME's-network from Apeldoorn to Twente.

prof.dr.ir. M.R. van Steen (Maarten)
Scientific Director Digital Society Institute

Maarten van Steen is the UT-representative within the CVD program board and will speak about the research opportunities within the context of this Apeldoorn hub.


Would you like to join this Meet Up?
Sign up here
If you register before 12 noon on Monday, April 15, you are assured of a sandwich. If you register later, please BYO.