AI for Dummies
The applications of AI are flying around our ears. Automatically generated job ads, personalised chatbots, deepfakes; we are hardly impressed anymore. At the same time, for many professionals it is quite difficult to make a concrete picture of how AI will change the field of work. Especially without knowledge of programming and statistics, it is not easy to recognise the potential of AI in your own organisation and think about it systematically with colleagues. To help you do this, this mini-workshop "AI for dummies" will introduce you to the main types of AI, inspire you with fascinating examples, and get you started building your own AI model. Together, we will then brainstorm on application possibilities of AI in your own domain and reflect on what risks AI entails. The workshop is intended for all enthusiasts without technical knowledge of AI. This mini-workshop is in Dutch!
To actively participate in the workshop, we ask you to prepare the following:
- Bring a laptop
- Install Orange Data Mining on this laptop, you can download this software for free here
- Open Orange and install the "text" add-on in the options menu
- Save the three attached files on your desktop
Practical information
- Friday 13 December, 10:00 - 12:00
- Centre for Security & Digitalisation, Wapenrustlaan 11, Apeldoorn, room L1.22
- Language: Dutch
- Speaker: Matthias de Visser (BMS)