HomeEventsQuantum for Dummies

Quantum for Dummies

Date: 7 December 202
Time: 11.30 - 15.00h
Location: Waaier 3, University of Twente
Organized by: QUANT Centre, MESA+, and sponsored by Quantum Delta NL and MinacNed

On the 7th of December, Pepijn Pinkse (Professor of Adaptive Quantum Optics) will be giving his inaugural lecture 'Light on Quantum Technology'. Quantum technology is seen as a promising technology for the future. But what exactly is quantum, how does it work, and how do we apply it? In the run-up to Pepijn's inauguration (7 December, 16.00h), QUANT Centre, MESA+, QuantumDelta NL and MinacNed jointly organise a symposium, Quantum for Dummies.


Chair: Pepijn Pinkse

11.30h: Walk-in with lunch (location: Foyer Waaier building)
12.30h: Lectures

  • 'Basics of quantum: making sense of quantum weirdness'
    by Ir. Bart Folkers - UT & Bonhoeffer College
  • 'Explanation of demonstrations & experiments: discover quantum yourself'
    by Dr. Dipl.-Phys. Kirsten Stadermann - UT

13.15h: Coffee and tea break, incl. the opportunity to experiment with quantum 

13.45h: Lectures

  • 'What is a photon?'
    by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rempe (MPQ) 
  • 'Optical quantum computing'
    by Dr. Jelmer Renema (UT & QuiX Quantum)

More information about the program will follow soon.

Please note: Are you also planning to visit Pepijn's inauguration? Please register your visit separately here.