HomeEventsCourse Consortium Dynamics

Course Consortium Dynamics

Effective management and leadership roles in R&D Consortia


This course is held in English or Dutch, depending on the participants.

The R&D consortia in which you represent University Twente have widely diverse goals and backgrounds. Different technical disciplines, competing academic and private interests and conflicting national and professional work cultures may influence the collaboration and the proposed results of the work together. The relational dynamics caused by this diversity demand a lot of  ‘Coordinators’ and ‘Work-package-responsibles’. What can you do? We welcome PhD’s, Postdocs and assistant Professors who are growing into this professional character and want to play it well.


Our two day program helps you to define yourself better in terms of the task and the characteristics ascribed to individuals who do the coordinating work. How can you:

·        Better assess this complex work context and its potential impact on you and the ‘partners to be’. Develop effective working relations in addition to the pre-designed ‘mechanical structure of collaboration’ (see your Consortium Agreement).

·        Improve the design and structuring of the collaborative effort and breakdown of the consortium task in a ‘good enough’ joint work setting and phasing.

·        Better deal with the relational dynamics of diversity and its effects on people, their perspectives and positions.

We consider this consortium leadership skill a competitive advantage in the proposal phase as well as the delivery phase of your new project. You learn to speed up the collaborative effort and build more collective capacity around a joint ‘consortium-task’. We do not focus at the ‘technical’ aspects of consortium building (proposal writing, project management, IPR etc.) but more on the relational dynamics of multi-party collaboration and how to intervene in this effectively. To handle with care and confidence the complexities of multi-party R&D collaboration,


Consortiumdynamics has been over the years highly valued by the UT participants for its practice orientation (your own cases), the combination of experiential learning, relevant concepts and introductions of experienced consortium leaders.

For PhD’s: Notice that in your Training & Supervision Plan for PhD candidates (Doctoral Education Program) you can find Consortiumdynamics as a choice option in the learning track: Research Support.


The program is administered on behalf of the Twente Graduate School and the UT Career Development Centre by Janneke de Sousa and Marjolein Rietman.

Faculty are experts who combine academic and leadership roles in multi-party organization: Drs. Frans Grobbe, Mw. Prof. dr. Sandra Schruijer. Mw. Prof. dr. Miriam Vollenbroek and Prof. dr. Hermie Hermens are the UT ambassadors watching over the relevance of the program to its UT target group.

Please see for all information and the registration form this Course finder website