DesignLab, part of University of Twente, invites you to Responsible Design: The Launch. It will be an afternoon full of inspiring talks and discussions, integrating different disciplinary perspectives for shaping a desirable future. With this event, we aim to introduce Responsible Design and its applications as a research theme at the University of Twente, and inspire scholars, practitioners, students, and entrepreneurs to address societal challenges through responsible design.
- About Responsible Design
Responsible Design is focused on acting responsibly in a world where technology can create new problems as well as help tackle existing ones. It means to act in an open, reflective and holistic manner in order to respect and care about the world and everything living. It aims to unite, rather than divide, through enabling people to make their own decisions, which requires designers to be open, critical & constructive.
- Target audience
This event is meant for scholars, practitioners, students, and entrepreneurs interested in addressing societal challenges through design.
- 13:00 | Doors open, walk-in
Doors open, welcome coffee
- 13:30 | Opening speech & introduction to Responsible Design W. Eggink (Wouter) is Assistant Professor Industrial Design Engineering and especially interested in the relationships between design, technology, and society. He is the coordinator of the master programme Human Technology Relations. In his research, Eggink approaches human-technology relations both from a Design History perspective and through Design for the Future, supported by Scenario Planning. He has also published extensively on Design Education. Read more:
- 13:45 | Keynote speech - Marco van Hout
Marco van hout
Transformation by design, requires a transformation in design.
Let’s change the world! Change is a strange thing. We all crave it, but are equally afraid of it. However, these times of rapid growth of complex global challenges seem to demand it. But perhaps it should not be about change, but rather about a transformation? Not about fixing the past or the present, but about creating a better future? Isn’t it time for designers to jump on this transformation bandwagon and step away from merely designing products, artefacts, experiences, services, or even systems? Yes, it is time to design the transformation of society itself.- About Marco
Marco van Hout is co-founder and Head of Programmes & Impact at the Digital Society School of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences). The Digital Society School’s mission is to create an inclusive digital society by building and fostering a diverse community of learners with a human-centered design approach and the openness to share their knowledge with the world. Van Hout is on a mission to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and co-founded the community of Global Goals Jams in order to tackle these global challenges from local perspectives.
- 14:30 | Three parallel workshops on three pillars of Responsible Design
1: Designers acting responsibly
Session led by Deger Ozkaramanli Deger Ozkaramanli is Assistant Professor in Human Centred Design, and research fellow at DesignLab University of Twente. Deger is fascinated by the richness of dilemmas people experience in daily life. That’s why as a designer and researcher, she pursues Dilemma-Driven Design in her work. Her aim is to understand and raise awareness about the moral dilemmas experienced in the act of designing. In this session, she and the audience will explore ‘responsible design’ as an ethical endeavor and unpack the values and biases (and the dilemmas in between) that shape products and services we are surrounded by.2: Enabling others in society to act responsibly
Session led by Katta Spiel
Katta Spiel is a postdoctoral researcher within the e-Media Research Lab at KU Leuven and the University of Vienna. Before joining KU Leuven, they were part of the Social Play Technologies and OutsideTheBox projects at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology). There, they investigated the experiences of autistic children in technological contexts, moving away from empathy and developed a concept for participatory evaluation. Both their bachelor degrees in Media Culture (BA) and Media Systems (BSc) as well as their master’s degree in computer science and media (MSc), Katta has acquired at Bauhaus Universität Weimar.
Their research agenda is centred around the critical participatory design and evaluation of playful technologies with a focus on marginalised people. Their methods are often guided by playful approaches and technologies. To that effect, they intend to investigate the potential of bodypositive computing in the near future. Outside (and sometimes inside) of their research, Katta likes to craft, predominantly with textiles and is engaged in the Roller Derby community. They have also been an elected member of the City Council of Weimar (2009-2014).3: Producing things that do not destroy the world
Session led by Steven Dorrestijn
Dr. Ir. Steven Dorrestijn is Philosopher of Technology and developer of the Product Impact Tool. Currently, he is head of the research group Ethics & Technology at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Deventer/Enschede (in Dutch: Lector Ethiek & Technologie). - 15:30 | Coffee break
Coffee break, with apple pie from the ecological social farm Viermarken.
- 16:00 | Presentations of past and future Responsible Design projects
Past research projects by individual students
1st - Queer-Sensible Designing: Challenging Normative Gender through an Industrial Design Practice. - Silas Denz
2nd - Exploring the question of being-in-the-world in the digital age - Jonne van Belle
Pitches of future Responsible Design projects
1st - Extimacy - expressive biofeedback - Multi Sensoree Designs for emotion based communication - Kristin Neidlinger, Khiet Truong, Edwin Dertien & Juliet Haarman.
2nd - Applying responsible design to infuse employees and citizens in Enschede for adopting the StadUp project and its sustainable mobility services - Arie Paul van den Beukel & Simone Borsci.
3rd - Human-machine cooperation and societal impact in the development of a chewing gum removal robot - Maarten Bonnema, Kostas Nizamis
4th - Wellbeing for all, by all: Using dilemmas as a tool for participation in community initiatives. - Deger Ozkaramanli & Bas Denters
- 16:30 | Debate & time for reflection
Debating time to reflect on the sessions led by workshop leaders. Moderated by Wouter Eggink.
- 17:00 | Closing
Drinks, snacks and time to make new friends.
Participation in Responsible Design: The Launch is free of charge. We do ask you to register so we can prepare the event accordingly.
more info
This event is a DesignLab Fellows initiative, co-organised by Dr. Wouter Eggink, Dr. Deger Ozkaramanli, Dr. Nicola Liberati and Cristina Zaga. For more information, please contact:
part of #designlab5years
Responsible Design: The Launch is part of DesignLab's 5-Year Anniversary, celebrated throughout September 2019.