HomeEventsGlobal Comedy Night

Global Comedy Night with Adam Fields (ENG), Edo Berger (NL) and Bobby Mair (CAN)

The Global Comedy Night is an evening stand-up in its purest form.

Hilarious, inventive, sometimes a little strange or with a musical twist but always funny. And that’s what comedy is all about: the joke! 

The comedy night is a relaxed night. Make sure you have your favourite drink within reach, when the best comedians hit the stage.

Master of Ceremonies: Adam Fields is a true Londoner currently living in Amsterdam. We are very glad he is joining us again for the third Global Comedy Night! 

Edo Berger hails from Amsterdam. Edo eats everything and loves children. His favourite primary colours are red, yellow and blue. Edo won several Dutch comedy festivals before expanding to performing in English. He also does a weekly musical radio column and made a documentary about the comedian’s love for anecdotes about horrible comedy gigs, called Dictator of Comedy.

Bobby Mair is a hilarious comedian from Canada who lives in London. You might recognise him from when Julian Assange’s wifi was turned off so Bobby went to the Ecuadorian Embassy and read the Internet to Julian through a megaphone. He’s appeared on 8 Out of 10 Cats, Russell Howard’s Good News, and Virtually Famous and is a core cast member of ITV2’s @Elevenish and News Thing on RT. 

Inspiration night

Chosen as their inspiration night by Study Association Communiqué; all members have free acces! 


Students with UnionCard€ 5,-
Students€ 7,50
Others€ 10,-
Employees University of Twente€ 7,50
Others with CJP / CampusCard / BiebPas€ 7,50
Global Comedy Night with Adam Fields (ENG), Edo Berger (NL) and Bobby Mair (CAN)