To: PhD and PDEng candidates,
We would like to inform you of the possibility for bursary or other non-employed candidates to receive support via the UT Emergency Fund to help those in pressing need due to corona-related issues (payments stalled, unable to travel at end of stay etc.). You can use me as first point of contact, and I will contact you and pass your name and m-number to SACC where the requests will be screened. You can mail or
PhD / PDEng UT courses
As you might be aware of, some courses for which you have registered for have been cancelled and rescheduled to a later date while others are being run or will run online (UT coursefinder).
All standard first year PhD courses are running online now
PhD/PDEng Introductory workshop + Academic Integrity
Academic Publishing
Academic Presentations
Datamanagement (to be announced)
Scientific Information
As well as the follow-up courses
Science writing
Career orientation & application
Analytic Storytelling
Taste of Teaching (to be announced for June)
Researcher Impact Challenge (formerly Entrepreneurial Researcher)
Professional Effectiveness (limited)
Project management for PhD’s (limited)
Interview skills (to be announced)
Future Learn Online Courses
In addition to UT generic courses, we also would like to provide PhD and PDEng candidates with a list of online generic Future Learn courses which you might want to follow and for which you can enroll via TELT.
UT will pay the course fee to FutureLearn. In order for UT to pay the course fee to FutureLearn so that you qualify for the certificate, you first need to send an email to with the title of the course you would like to take. Course list:
Career Orientation and Application:
Essential Skills for your Career Development
Career Management for Early Career Academic Researchers
Communication with customers:
Business Fundamentals: Customer Engagement
Business Fundamentals: Effective Communication
Communicating with Diverse Audiences
Creative and design thinking:
Get Creative with People to Solve Problems
Data Science:
Introduction to R for Data Science
Decision making:
Decision Making: How to Choose the Right Problem to Solve
Decision-making and Risk: An Introduction
Evidence and Data Collection for Problem Solving
Influencing others (and yourself):
Emotional Intelligence at Work
Communication and Interpersonal Skills at Work
Personal and Powerful advising:
Communication and Interpersonal Skills at Work
Professional Effectiveness (note for PDEng students: these are no replacements for the UT course which is a compulsory part of your educational programme):
Business Fundamentals: Effective Communication
Presenting Your Work with Impact
Project Management:
Project Management: Beyond the Basics
Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management
Foundations of Project Management
Best regards,
Paul van Dijk
Dr. P.M. van Dijk | Director | Twente Graduate School | University of Twente.