During your Master’s in Business Administration, you will collect a total of 60 EC within one year. In addition to four compulsory courses, you will follow additional courses within the specialisation in Human Resource Management (HRM).
| Number of EC |
Compulsory courses for the Master’s | 15 EC |
Specialisation courses | 15 EC |
Elective courses | 5 EC | Examples of electives you can choose from within the Master’s in BA can be found at the other specialisations. You can – of course – also choose another HRM specialisation course. |
Master’s thesis | 25 EC | You will finish your Master’s in BA with your master’s thesis. The choice of your graduation subject is largely up to you. |
Total EC | 60 EC |
Master’s thesis
You will complete your Master’s in Business Administration by writing your master’s thesis. The majority of our students complete their graduation project at an external organisation. This is a great way for you to combine academic skills with hands-on experience. The choice of your thesis topic is largely up to you. Many students tap into our cutting-edge research programmes. However, there is plenty of room for you to propose an idea of your own and to align that with ongoing research at the faculty. Research areas include HRM & Innovation Performance, Electronic and Digital HRM (E-HRM or D-HRM) and Innovating HRM Functions.
Most students use their graduation project as a means of preparing for the field of work they want to enter after graduation; in fact, many of our graduates launch their careers with the company at which they conducted their thesis research.