Application deadline

When do applications open and close? If you wish to enrol in a bachelor's, submit your application before the deadline.

Application deadlines depend solely on your nationality. You should be able to provide valid (not expired) identity documents for each nationality to be registered within our system. If you have multiple nationalities, use the most beneficial nationality as your first nationality to determine your application deadline and tuition fees. To check if your nationality qualifies as EEA or non-EEA (visa required), visit the Dutch government website.

Still need to graduate?

You can always apply even when you still have to graduate. Most of the prospective students are still in their last year of high school when they start their application. Please be aware that you need to be graduated in the school year prior to the start of the academic year.

Find out which deadline applies to you

Some bachelor’s programmes have deviating deadlines due to decentralised selection, mandatory matching, or selection activities. These deadlines apply to all students, regardless of nationality or educational background. Be sure to submit your application before the relevant application deadline.

Your nationality determines the application deadline, not your residence permit. For example, if you have Mexican nationality but a Dutch residence permit, your application will follow the deadline for Mexican nationals.

Make sure to check your deadline based on your nationality. UT will verify your residence permit to ensure it is valid for your studies. If a new study visa is needed, UT will apply on your behalf, and therefore you must follow the relevant visa application process and deadlines.

During your application, upload a copy of your current residence permit (front and back) when asked for your identity document.

Students with a Dutch nationality

These deadlines apply if you have a Dutch nationality. Your current nationality is leading, even if you have a Dutch or European residence permit. Check the Dutch government website whether you have an EEA or visa nationality.


September intake

You can start your application from 

1 October

Deadline completed application with all the required uploads submitted via Osiris

before 1 August

Deadline for accepting Offer of Admission (after admission)

before 25 August

Deadline to submit the final certified photocopies *

before 1 September

 * Please be aware that the application will not be finished as long as the final certified photocopies are not provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed. 

Students with an EEA nationality (non-Dutch)

These deadlines apply if you have a nationality of one of the European Economic Area (EEA) countries, the Dutch nationality excluded. Your current nationality is leading, even if you have a Dutch or European residence permit. Check the Dutch government website whether you have an EEA or visa nationality.


September intake

You can start your application from 

1 October

Deadline completed application with all the required uploads submitted via Osiris

before 1 July

Deadline for accepting Offer of Admission (after admission)

before 1 August

Deadline to submit the final certified photocopies *

before 1 September

 * Please be aware that the application will not be finished as long as the final certified photocopies are not provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed. 

Students with a non-EEA (visa) nationality

The dates below apply if you need a residence permit for the Netherlands/visa when you wish to live and study here. Your current nationality is leading, even if you have a Dutch or European residence permit. Check the Dutch government website whether you have an EEA or visa nationality.


September intake

You can start your application from

1 October

Deadline completed application with all the required uploads submitted via Osiris

before 1 May

Deadline for accepting Offer of Admission (after admission)

before 1 June

Deadline to submit the final certified photocopies *

before 1 September

The visa/residence permit procedure only starts after accepting your Offer of Admission, be aware of those deadlines as well. Every non-EEA student needs to go through the process, including students who already have a residence permit, as we need to verify this.

 * Please be aware that the application will not be finished as long as the final certified photocopies are not provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed. 

Bachelor's in Advanced Technology

The bachelor's programme in Advanced Technology has deviating deadlines due to mandatory matching activities.

  • Students with an EEA nationality (including Dutch nationalities)

    These deadlines apply if you have a nationality of one of the European Economic Area (EEA), the Dutch nationality included.


    September intake

    You can start your application from 

    1 October

    Deadline completed application with all the required uploads submitted via Osiris

    before 1 July

    Deadline for accepting Offer of Admission (after admission)

    before 1 August

    Deadline to submit the final certified photocopies *

    before 1 September

     * Please be aware that the application will not be finished as long as the final certified photocopies are not provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed. 

  • Students with a non-EEA (VISA) nationality

    The dates below apply if you need a residence permit for the Netherlands/visa when you wish to live and study here. Your current nationality is leading, even if you have a Dutch or European residence permit. Check the Dutch government website whether you have an EEA or visa nationality.


    September intake

    You can start your application from

    1 October

    Deadline completed application with all the required uploads submitted via Osiris

    before 1 May

    Deadline for accepting Offer of Admission (after admission)

    before 1 June

    Deadline to submit the final certified photocopies *

    before 1 September

    The visa/residence permit procedure only starts after accepting your Offer of Admission, be aware of those deadlines as well. Every non-EEA student needs to go through the process, including students who already have a residence permit, as we need to verify this.

     * Please be aware that the application will not be finished as long as the final certified photocopies are not provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed. 

Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering

The bachelor's programme in Mechanical Engineering has deviating deadlines due to mandatory matching activities, regardless of your nationality. These deadlines apply to both locations where the programme is offered; Amsterdam and Enschede.

September intake

You can start your application from

1 October

Deadline completed application with all the required uploads submitted via Osiris

before 1 May

Deadline for accepting Offer of Admission (after admission)

before 1 June

Deadline to submit the final certified photocopies *

before 1 September

The visa/residence permit procedure only starts after accepting your Offer of Admission (if applicable), be aware of those deadlines as well. Every non-EEA student needs to go through the process, including students who already have a residence permit, as we need to verify this.

 * Please be aware that the application will not be finished as long as the final certified photocopies are not provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed. 

Bachelor's in Psychology

The bachelor's programme in Psychology has a deviating deadline due to decentralised selection, regardless of your nationality.

September intake

You can start your application from

1 October

Deadline completed application with all the required uploads submitted via Osiris

before 15 January

Proof you graduated

before 1 July

Deadline to submit the final certified photocopies *

before 1 September

The visa/residence permit procedure only starts after you have been offered a place, you have accepted this place, and you have worked away your deficiencies (if applicable). Every non-EEA student needs to go through the visa process, including students who already have a residence permit, as we need to verify this.

Please note: Non-EEA applicants for whom we have to submit an application to the IND have to be eligible for a place before the deadline of 1 June in order to comply with the visa deadlines. If you have not been offered a place before this date, your application will be cancelled.

 * Please be aware that the application will not be finished as long as the final certified photocopies are not provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed. 

Bachelor's in Technical Computer Science

The bachelor's programme in Technical Computer Science has deviating deadlines due to mandatory matching activities, regardless of your nationality. 

September intake

You can start your application from

1 October

Deadline completed application with all the required uploads submitted via Osiris

before 1 May

Deadline for accepting Offer of Admission (after admission)

before 1 June

Deadline to submit the final certified photocopies *

before 1 September

The visa/residence permit procedure only starts after accepting your Offer of Admission (if applicable), be aware of those deadlines as well. Every non-EEA student needs to go through the process, including students who already have a residence permit, as we need to verify this.

 * Please be aware that the application will not be finished as long as the final certified photocopies are not provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed. 

Bachelor's in Technical Medicine

The bachelor's programme in Technical Medicine has a deviating deadline due to a selection procedure, regardless of your nationality.

September intake

You can start your application from

1 October

Deadline completed application with all the required uploads submitted via Osiris

before 15 January

Proof you worked away your deficiencies

before 15 July

Proof you graduated

before 15 July

Deadline to submit the final certified photocopies *

before 1 September

The visa/residence permit procedure only starts after you have been offered a place, you have accepted this place, and you have worked away your deficiencies (if applicable). Every non-EEA student needs to go through the visa process, including students who already have a residence permit, as we need to verify this.

Please note: Non-EEA applicants for whom we have to submit an application to the IND have to be eligible for a place before the deadline of 1 June in order to comply with the visa deadlines. If you have not been offered a place before this date, your application will be cancelled.

 * Please be aware that the application will not be finished as long as the final certified photocopies are not provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed. 

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