- Adjust inside signpostsIn general, signposting in the buildings only contains room numbers. Changes are, therefore, rarely necessary. Any changes to your room sign you can do yourself. You can do so using the layout tool: https://ut.web2-print.com/ (add link) How to order We use uniform signposting within our buildings. Requests for exceptions and other requests must be directed to the Facility Team Leader of the building. Supplier The Facility Department has a contract with a fixed supplier for signposting. Responsibility The responsibility for making changes to signposting lies with the Facility Team Leader.
- Flowers and plants in the officeDownloads (in Dutch): Vormen van onderhoud links to overzicht-afbeeldingen-onderhoudsvormen-8-juni-2015.pdf Beschikbare bakken links to overzicht-afbeeldingen-bakken-catalogus-8-juni-2015.pdf Planten links to overzicht-afbeeldingen-planten-catalogus-8-juni-2015.pdf
- FurnitureParcels furniture The outcome of the parcels is as follows: Parcel / articles Supplier/Suppliers 1 / Desk chairs EromesMarko 2 / Office, Education and Project furniture EromesMarko Gispen SKO The contract has been divided in two parcels: Parcel 1. Desk chairs. There are three types of chairs selected with a fixed price. Naturally you can also order other types of desk chairs at EromesMarko. Parcel 2. Office, Education and Project furniture. In case of a purchase above € 3500,- there will be small tender between the 3 selected suppliers mentioned above. Below this amount you can choose between the three selected suppliers and order by filling in an order application. Contact information suppliers EROMESMARKO EROMESMARKO Website: https://eromesmarko.nl/ Robert ten Wolde Email: r.tenwolde@eromesmarko.nl Telephone: +31 (0)6 - 43 82 41 83 or Tom Angenendt Email: t.angenendt@eromesmarko.nl Telephone: +31 (0)24 750 23 55 GISPEN GISPEN Website: https://www.gispen.com/ Bas de Jong Email: bas.dejong@gispen.nl Telephone:
- Lecture roomsThe university has a wide range of classrooms and lecture rooms. Large or small, rooms with flexible seating formats, rooms specifically intended for exams, lecture theatres and so on. The classrooms administrators of Facility Services provide support for users of these rooms so that their activities run as smoothly as possible. This includes tidiness and cleanliness in the rooms and halls, arranging the furniture, dealing with equipment faults, putting presentations on the computer and replenishing supplies such as pens, etc. Unless stated otherwise, this is the software used in the lecture rooms. Our rooms are equipped with technical facilities to stream or record lectures. More information can be found under Manuals streaming and recording. In order to make the use the classrooms as pleasant as possible for everyone, it’s important that users leave the rooms in a clean and tidy condition: Would you like a different furniture arrangement? That’s no problem of course, but please return the furniture to the standard
- Minor reparationsThe Campus & Facility Management department has contracts with a number of suppliers (contractors) for carrying out (more) extensive repairs and maintenance. As far as possible, small repairs will be carried out by Internal Service. Examples of small repairs are: Repairing locks Changing locks Repairing doors that do not close properly Repairing windows that do not close properly Replacing faulty lighting, etc. How to order If you notice any defects in the building, please contact the Service Desk of your building. They will decide whether the repair can be carried out by Internal Service, or whether a contractor will need to be hired. Delivery time Internal Service will consult with you when the repair will be carried out. Costs Small repairs by Internal Service are part of the defined service and no costs will be charged. The work will involve costs if the assistance of a contractor is required. Responsibility The responsibility for odd jobs lies with Internal Service. Links Service Desks of all buildings Lecture
- Minor reparations to furnitureAs far as possible, small repairs will be carried out by Internal Service. What do we mean by minor repairs? Repairing cupboards that do not close properly Repairing wheels of office chairs In short, any small repairs to furniture How to order If you notice any defects to furniture, please contact the Service Desk of your building. Internal Service will then decide if they can do the repair themselves or if the assistance of a contractor will be required. Delivery time Internal Service will consult with you when the repair will be carried out. Costs Small repairs by Internal Service are part of the defined service. Any replacement materials that need to be ordered may be for the account of the requester. The work will involve costs if the assistance of a contractor is required. Responsibility The responsibility for odd jobs lies with Internal Service. Links Minor repairs Odd jobs
- Odd jobsThe Internal Service can assist you with any odd jobs. Examples of odd jobs are: Hanging whiteboards Changing name signs Hanging pictures Increasing the height of your desk Moving goods etc. How to order If you need help with odd jobs, please contact the Service Desk in your building. They will determine whether Internal Service can do the job, or whether the services of an external contractor are needed. Delivery time Internal Service will consult with you when the work will be carried out. Costs No costs will be charged for work that is part of the defined services. Any required materials may be for the account of the requester. The work will involve costs if the assistance of a contractor is required. Responsibility The responsibility for odd jobs lies with Internal Service. Links Minor repairs
- Opening hours of buildingsThese are the regular opening hours of the UT buildings. Deviating hours may apply during (public) holidays and bridging days. This will be communicated directly with the residents of the building. For access outside of opening hours, refer to Access Permission. For more information, contact the Service Desk of your building. Bastille Monday to Friday Saturday 08:30 - 21:30 12:00 - 17:00 Carré Monday to Friday 08:00 - 21:00 Citadel Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Cubicus *temporarily not in use Monday to Friday* 08:00 - 18:00* Capitool15 Monday to Friday The building is accessible only to authorized personnel. Gallery/DesignLab Monday to Friday 09.00 - 17.30 Horst Monday to Thursday Friday 08:00 - 20:00 08:00 - 18:00 Langezijds Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Nanolab Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Paviljoen* *temporarily not in use Monday to Friday* 08:00 - 17:00* Ravelijn Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Spiegel Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Sportcentrum Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday 08:00 - 24:00 08:00 - 23:
- Plant care (purchase and maintenance)From 1 May 2015 onwards, a framework contract was entered into with Flora Nova Interieurbeplanting BV (formerly known as Anticimex Plant Care) for the purchase and maintenance of interior plants, plants and seasonal decoration. Giving plant advice for all questions regarding plants from UT is a part of this contract. Order Method We made a selection of the strongest plants that are suitable for an office environment. Flora Nova Interieurbeplanting is also the place to be for planters. For the images of the products on offer, see download options below (documents are in Dutch). Please note that you have to log in to be able to see and download them. Of course, it is possible to deviate from this selection. However, it remains useful to have Flora Nova assess the order for possibilities and impossibilities before making a final decision. Apart from specific amounts of light, different plants also have other requirements. For every order, Flora Nova will do this assessment and, if necessary, make the right choice
- Poster policy in buildingsIn order to maintain order and cleanliness in the buildings, a poster policy applies in and around the buildings and on the campus. The rules with respect to applying posters are as follows: Posters etc. may only be applied at the designated areas (message boards, poster boards, and poster rails) in buildings. Posters in other places will be removed. Posters must contain an end date. Posters without an end date will be removed. Responsibility Monitoring of order and cleanliness in buildings is the responsibility of Internal Service
- Realization of storage roomFor reasons of safety, use of corridors for storage of materials, equipment and documentation is not allowed. The faculties and department are responsible for making arrangements for their storage. The Facility Department can provide support in finding a solution. How to order If you have any questions regarding storage in your building, please contact the Service Desk of your building. Delivery time In consultation with the Facility Team Leader, we will look for possibilities for storage. Once a suitable area has been found, you can move your things. Expenses The costs for renting storage space are determined based on room rates and must be paid by the tenant. Responsibility The Facility Team Leader is responsible for support with providing storage space. Links Odd jobs
- Relocations / MovingAll relocations at UT are handled via the Facility Department. Requesting a relocation can be done at your building's Service Desk or Facility Service Team Leader. The Facility Service Team Leader will then organize the relocation. A distinction is made between two types of relocations: Internal relocations (maximum of two rooms) Internal relocations (more than two rooms) and External relocations* * external relocations are defined as relocations between two buildings on the UT campus and relocations from UT to elsewhere or from elsewhere to UT. Order Method Internal relocations (maximum of two rooms) A relocation of two rooms or less is executed by the building's internal service department. The basic principle is that a relocation must be reported to the Facility Service Team Leader at least one week in advance. An employee of the Internal Service Department will discuss the relocation with you. The internal service department will provide the relocation/move of furniture and boxes, will adjust the name signs
- Replace door cylindersInstalling or changing a door cylinder in an office, archive room, or meeting room due to a move or for safety reasons is the internal service’s job. There are options for installing simultaneously closing cylinders within a single group, but it depends on the building’s closing plan. Ordering method You can turn to the building’s Servicedesk to make you wishes known. The internal service will change the cylinder themselves. The service desk may ask for your UT ID. Door cylinders are not always kept in stock; the internal service will take care of ordering the cylinder and the corresponding keys. All cylinders and keys always remain the property of the Facility Department. Delivery time The delivery time of ordered cylinders and their corresponding keys is four to six weeks. Costs The costs for a cylinder plus three keys amounts to around € 75. An OFI number has to be specified. Responsibility Replacing cylinders falls within the internal service’s purview. Ordering new cylinders is handled by the service desk
- Waste materialsThe university has separated collection, environmentally-friendly processing and recycling of waste materials. On March 1, 2024, Facility Services (CFM) concluded a contract for waste disposal with a new partner, namely Renewi. Collection Schedule The different waste flows have fixed collection days. The overview below shows which dates it concerns. Temporary additional waste containers can be ordered through your building's Service Desk. The manual for the disposal of industrial waste and hazardous waste is available via your building's waste contacts. This manual, among other things, describes what can and cannot be disposed of and how hazardous waste must be packaged and provided for collection. NOTE: This is a temporary overview and is subject to change. Collection Schedule Waste flow Frequency Collection day Residual waste (semi-)subterranean containers 2x per week* Tuesday & Friday Residual waste rolling containers 240L (on campus) 1x per week Offer on Wednesday before 08:00 Wednesday Glass rolling containers