General Affairs is headed by the Secretary of the University and consists of several sections and officers, each one with its own characteristics and role.
These sections and officers are DE&I Officer, Integral Safety Officer, Policy Advisor knowledge safety, Legal Officer, Ombuds officer, Internal Audit, Innovation Lab (concerning Novel-T and HTT) and U-Today.
The Executive Board Support Team is also part of General Affairs (GA) and provides management support to the Executive Board and to the University as a whole. The Team supports the members of the Executive board and the policy and decision making processes related to the Executive Board. This includes support of the official advisory bodies, support of the process of participation by the University Council and the support of the Supervisory Board.
Executive Board support
The Executive Board Support Team provides management support to the Executive Board and to the University as a whole. The Team supports the members of the Executive Board and the policy and decision-making processes related to the Executive Board. This includes support of the official advisory bodies, support of the process of participation by the University Council and the support of the Supervisory Board.
Legal affairs
For more information about services and other contacts see
Integral safety
For more information about the Knowledge Safety Team and their services see
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
For more information about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) see the UT Topic page about DEI.
Internal audit
For the internal audit service overview and all team members see
Ombuds officer (Ombudsman)
Knowledge transfer
The Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) is part of Novel-T. See the Knowledge Transfer page for their services and all KTO team members.
U-Today is the independent journalistic medium at the University of Twente. Its focus is on news, background information and opinions within the UT and her surroundings. Articles about campus, student life, education, research, knowledge transfer and internationalization. These articles are written by a small team of journalists together with a number of (student)freelancers. The independent journalistic position of U-Today is established in an editorial statute.