HomeNewsBlog Sandra - Office Manager

Blog Sandra - Office Manager

Years ago, I had no idea what working at the SU meant. There are days I still have no clue. Sure, I make a list of things to do the next day, set some goals in current projects, but usually I can throw that planning in the trash after a few hours in the office.

It’s one of the reasons I love working here. It’s never the same. And when it does seem like a dull day is coming up, you think of something new! 

Today was just one of those fantastic days when things did not go quite as planned. It’s an interesting one, at least that’s what I think. Not everything went well, but aren’t those the best days? 

Working in the Office of the Student Union brings you joy and challenges. Today it started with a challenge and the worst part is, I knew it was coming. Oh it’s a bit of a dirty story by the way.

You see, the toilets in the Bastille were clogged (read: exploded!). It isn’t the first time. An external company came to fix it in the early morning. So the first problem was fixed but it resulted in a lot bigger problem: flood of ‘not so clean water’ in the UnionShop. Also not the first time. What a shitty situation!

Together with Servicedesk employee Sharmana I handled the mess to prevent damage, notifying the maintenance department, the cleaning department, etc. Luckily, a great group of students work in the UnionShop and they immediately came to help! Thanks Jacomine, Jop, Bian, Ingmar for all your help! It’s a busy week in the UnionShop with the start of the semester. In order to handle the damages and the financial aspect I had another talk with Marco (facility manager).

This meeting was followed by a meeting with a teacher of my intern. Elise has started her internship at the Student Union a few weeks ago, her teacher was curious about the progress. It is great to work with someone so eager to learn everything there is to know in our office. Together with Elise and my great colleague for many years, Jocintha, we support the board members and the rest of the student employees. 

Next, I continue my day with board member Tom. An applicant for a vacancy in Tom’s team arrived in the office. Time for an interview. I enjoy those interviews, but at the same time it is difficult. You have to get to know someone in a very short period of time. Then you have to make the decision which candidate is the most suitable for the job and the rest of the team.

In the meantime not everything is going well in the Bastille; the UnionShop will probably be closed for another day and the toilet issue still hasn’t been solved. Board member Arthur and I decide to step it up, to make sure the problem is solved today. On the bright side: the smell has faded! 

In the afternoon I speak with Marloes about a meeting with the Wallstreet team last night. I tell her that the finances for some extra facilities in the Wallstreet have been approved. As I leave the meeting room, I spot Jiska, she is going to lead the activities for the Student Union lustrum. In the first meetings with the committee, we thought out some great plans. But I’m not allowed to tell anyone yet… hopefully soon! 

After a quick meal at home, I head back to the Bastille in the evening for three more interviews, and discuss with Tom about today’s interviews. Also, I write this blog, so board member Roos can stop talking about a deadline. She asked me to write a blog about ‘what it’s like’ to work here. Well, there is never a dull moment, Roos! 

What I enjoy and appreciate are all these enthusiastic students around me. It always makes me laugh, and during all these years I have met so many great people. Hope to see a lot of them again at the Board Member ReUnion or at our event to celebrate 20 years of Student Union on campus!