HomeNewsElectoral Committee BMS is looking for a student member and a staff member

Electoral Committee BMS is looking for a student member and a staff member

The Electoral committee is an official body appointed by the dean. The committee consists of four members including one student and is assisted by a secretary. The main duty is organizing the annual elections for the Faculty Council and filling in seats when council members leave throughout the period.

The committee is most active from February to end of June. The committee has at average seven to eight meetings in the active period, mostly they decide on the correct realization of the procedure as prescribed in the formal Election regulations, such as the determination of the electoral registers and of the election results.

Note that members of the electoral committee cannot stand for a position in the Faculty Council themselves. Our preference goes out to candidates who will be available for three years.

For further Information on the membership of the Electoral Committee please turn to Marijke Peijster - Terpelle (4796) or Jan van Diepen (4393). Here you can view the electoral regulations.

Please apply before 6 March 2019 to Jasmine Verenjans.