HomeNewsGreen sustainability walk around UT campus

Green sustainability walk around UT campus

ITC Students following the course ‘Monitoring ecosystem services’ came to the campus for a tour on Monday morning September 16.

Part of the course is to assess and monitor the ecosystem services on the UT campus. In order to do this they would like to know what the UT’s intentions are in the various areas on campus. One area could be destined for water collection, another for events and recreation, a third for preserving historic elements.

The walk started at where the Roombeek stream is highlighted with blue waves on the main road. Walking towards the student housing through the park landscape with monumental trees between Spiegel and the sports fields, you find yourself walking along a tree lined lane, a characteristic landscape element of this region.  

The Oude Drienerloweg connects the O&O square with the Boulevard area. It separates the English landscape in the west and typical landscape in Twente on the east side. The so called English landscape is recognized by open spaces within forested areas, a park with a (large) farmhouse and tree lined lanes along the open areas, the Twents landscape by open farm land.

Walking along the campus the students saw lots of deciduous trees complemented by a collection of conifers from America, Europe and Asia in the Pinetum and lots of ditches and ponds in between where rainwater from the buildings is stored.

Along the way, a lot of art can be admired. More info on architecture and art walk, you can find here.

After the tour they started their measurements. Some results are presented at the Sustainability Market on Tuesday October 8 at the Technohal from 11:30-14:00.