HomeNewsThree new crossover projects on health and wellbeing

Three new crossover projects on health and wellbeing

Recently three new eHealth projects have been granted from the Persuasive Health Technology Lab (BMS) and the Pervasive System Group (EWI) that are iconic for the university’s multidisciplinary approach. The projects focus on data-driven self-management through eHealth. This involves remote monitoring and persuasive coaching to promote self-management.

Patients with chronic conditions (diabetes, heart failure) are supported by technology that observes and records their behaviour. The resulting data is used to steer automatic coaching advice; customised and tailored to physical condition and lifestyle.

In addition, a project was awarded aimed at stimulating social participation through music-based coaching. Patients with dementia are observed using Wi-Fi equipment that records behaviour and uses it to communicate musical cues. These music cues are triggers to promote social participation; it is precisely in patients with dementia that stimulation on the basis of music is successful. In this project that customised music is automatically generated.

The projects are an excellent example of the UT’s HIGHT TECH HUMAN TOUCH approach. They combine expertise in sensing technology with expertise in data-driven persuasive coaching, cost effectiveness of health technology and knowledge about influencing behaviour through eHealth. Moreover, they illustrate how science, business and health care work together to improve self-management. It concerns the following projects:

  • Unobtrusive Sensing technologies to monitor and coach elderly with dementia: Track, Trace and Trigger! (CREATE Health ZonMw; Annemarie Braakman, Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen, Paul Havinga, together with NEDAP Healthcare)
  • Power4FitFoot; Data Driven Personalized Self-Management of Patients with Heart Failure & Diabetic Foot: An integrative approach to predict and manage high risk factors  (NWO Data2Person, Commit2Data; Paul Havinga, Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen, Bernard Veldkamp, Rik Crutzen and partners ZGT, Thales, Reggeborgh)
  • Socio-economic impact of motivational interviewing on adherence to orthopedic shoes (ZonMw; lisette van Gemert-Pijnen, Erik Koffijberg (HTSR), Christina Bode, Peter ten Klooster, Jaap van Netten (ZGT), Stein Exterkate (voetencentrum))  

For more information about the projects, you can contact Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen or Paul Havinga.