The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) awarded a Veni grant to three young UT scientists. Suzanne Janssen (communication studies), Guillaume Lajoinie (physics of fluids) and Jelmer Renema (photonics) get the opportunity of working out their own scientific ideas, for the coming three years.
In this funding round, NWO could grant 154 research proposals, on a total number of 1115. Veni, 250,000 euros for scientists who recently did their PhD, is part of the ‘Vernieuwingsimpuls’ programme (Innovational Research Incentives Scheme) with grants in three phases of academic careers: Veni, Vidi, Vici.
A robot as a colleague
Suzanne Janssen, Communication Studies, BMS Faculty
Suzanne Janssen will investigate employees’ experiences in working with robots, specifically in relation to employee motivation. Besides individual experiences and strategies to optimally work with the robot, she will do research on the social context of the use of robots in organizations.
Delaying fire with microcapsules
Guillaume Lajoinie, Physics of Fluids (MESA+), TNW Faculty
Intumescent coatings chemically swell upon exposure to fire and shield underlying structures. Presently, improvement on fire delaying performances is coming to a halt. Lajoinue will develop a new concept based on the vaporization of microcapsules. This technology will offer far greater protection against fire and reduce the number of victims.
Where did quantum mechanics go?
Jelmer Renema, Complex Photonic Systems (MESA+), TNW Faculty
Despite the fact that we're convinced quantum mechanics is correct, in our daily life the strange phenomena predicted by this theory seem to be absent. Why is this the case? Renema wil investigate this question using a simulation based on light.
For more information and a full overview, check NWO’s press release as well.