HomeNewsAfternoon of participation

Afternoon of participation

On Wednesday 3 October 2018 the first Afternoon of Participation took place at the University of Twente. This meeting will become an annual event in which management (executive board, faculty boards, service directors, student union) and participation (university council, faculty and service councils, OPUT) come together with the aim of working on even better cooperation.

This year’s theme was ‘Our way of working’. How can we work together to achieve our shared objectives of transparency and proactivity?

Guest speaker this afternoon was Mr. Ruud Veltenaar, international top speaker, philosopher, trend watcher, TEDx speaker, professor by special appointment and socially responsible investor. Ruud  gave a glimpse into the future and how future developments are likely to impact cooperation between management and participation.

After this foray into the future, we discussed in groups our mutual expectations about transparency and proactivity within the UT context. Management and participation literally had to think from the perspective of the other and made a few solid agreements, about the way of working for the coming year.

We look back on a successful afternoon and we look forward to the next afternoon of participation next year (probably again in October)!