HomeNewsBoard blog Tom

Board blog Tom

The academic year has begun, more than 2000 students experienced the Kick-In for the first time and boards have changed at a lot of associations. A new year with a lot of opportunities are ahead of us.

Our board at the SU has changed as well. Four new board members joined Roos and me and together we hope to bring the student life at this university to a higher level. We hope to accelerate and to promote that mindset, for which the whole UT community is responsible for altogether.

Currently, we are busy with two initiatives with which we hope to achieve that. The 8th of October the ‘Boards Day’ took place, where the Alumni Office and the Student Union try to give the new (and current) board members a ‘kick-off’ of their boards year by getting familiar with the UT, the SU and the municipality. The other is the ‘More Than a Degree Awards’, currently a multi-disciplinary team is organizing the show. We hope you will all attend at the 16th of October!

Earlier, I said that improving the student life is something we do with everyone together. To get to know the new boards, we went to most Constitution Drinks and we had ‘Coffee dates’ to catch up and explain what the Student Union is. Those were fun and low-key and it was great to hear the ambitions of the fresh boards.

In the spring of 2019, another edition of Create Tomorrow will take place. The committee just started as well. From the first Monday of September they began with a lot of enthusiasm and they’ve made some good steps forwards already. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to guide such an independent committee the coming half year.

In my coming half year, I hope we are able to grab the possibilities that will cross our paths with the boards, the UT and the UT community as a whole, in good and constructive collaboration.