HomeNewsTELT newsletter 4

TELT newsletter 4

This is the 4th edition of the TELT newsletter. Through this newsletter the TELT team wants to inform you on recent developments.

You might ask “What is the TELT team?”. Well, TELT stands for Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching. The TELT team is a multi-disciplinary group consisting of experts combining expertise in educational design, library, video and information technology.

Project review – MOOC project

The TELT team was actively involved in the startup of an important project for the university. At the end of 2014 we started on the journey to design and develop of our very first free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). And now we have 4 free online courses available at the Futurelearn platform, and two more courses are in the making!

Last week we officially finished this project with a concluding meeting where we exchanged experiences. Ellen-Wien Augustijn from ITC and Hanneke Kip from BMS shared what they’ve learned from the project.

We now have entered the next phase. Our Executive Board has decided that there will be financing available to create more free online courses. Via the TELT team support and advice is available. You can contact eduardo.hermsen@utwente.nl for further information.

Solution spotlight – FutureLearn

As mentioned above, the University of Twente has partnered with FutureLearn to deliver free online courses. We see this as a means to show our unique capabilities and expertise for a worldwide audience.

FutureLearn is a European provider for free online courses; they are based in London (UK). The platform is geared towards social learning, whereby the learner actively engages in online learning activities.

Futurelearn is not a replacement of our on-campus learning management system (Blackboard). Futurelearn is “open” for everyone and facilitates the delivery of online courses. Whereby Blackboard is used to facilitate our own courses that also have a campus-based experience.

Upcoming appearances

As TELT team we deliver workshops and training sessions for you to become more familiar with using technology for learning. There are two courses that are planned for the next months, and registration is still possible:

We also have a course on How to create a microlecture in a professional studio. This course is available on request.


Besides the courses mentioned above, ofcourse we will also be present at the upcoming Education Day on 27 October. In our workshop, entitled Technology in education: where do we come from and where are we going to?, you will encouraged to share your thoughts and experiences. Please join us and sign up!

Also we would like to point out the “stimuleringsregeling” of the Dutch Ministry of Education (OCW). This is open for proposals right now, until 15 December 2016. Two lecturers of our university (Henk van der Kolk and Pepijn van Passel) received grants for this calender year, as you might have read.

We will gladly help and advise you in drafting a proposal for the next round. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us. More information on the Stimuleringsregeling is available at SURF (only in Dutch).

More information

If you want to learn more about our expertise, please visit http://www.utwente.nl/telt or contact us directly through email telt@utwente.nl.

The TELT Team

Members of the TELT Team are Laura Bergmans, Martin Bosker, Eduardo Hermsen, Wytze Koopal, Ard Kosters, Marloes Luttikhuis, Bé Meerman (who is the coordinator), Chris Rouwenhorst, Karen Slotman, Dennis Vierkant, Martine ten Voorde – ter Braack and Petri de Willigen.