Courses & research

During your Master’s in Psychology, you will collect a total of 60 EC within one year. The curriculum consists of four compulsory courses for the specialisation in Educational Psychology, one elective course, a master’s thesis, and an internship.

European Credit Transfer System

Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which is widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work.


Educational Psychology

Specialisation courses
Compulsory for the specialisation in EP.

20 EC

Elective course
You can choose one of the following four elective courses

5 EC

Master’s thesis

25 EC

You will finish your Master’s in Psychology with your master’s thesis. The choice of your graduation subject is largely up to you.


10 EC

An internal or external internship of 10 EC is part of your study programme.

Total EC first year

60 EC


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  • Internship

    Within your Master’s you will go on an internship. This is a great way to familiarise yourself with the work field and practise professional skills, as well as an excellent opportunity to increase your network!

    Within the specialisation in Educational Psychology, you can go on interesting internships. You might, for example, design and test learning materials to enhance and promote technical education within the Netherlands, or develop an educational programme for teaching Dutch to non-native children. Or you could write an advisory report on how to integrate embodied play (environments) in educational settings.

    Companies you could complete your internship in, include educational publishers, (educational) software developers, consultancy agencies or research institutes, but also corporate companies, in which you could focus on employee training programmes.

  • Master's thesis

    You will complete your Master’s in Psychology by writing your master’s thesis. The choice of your thesis topic is largely up to you. You could come up with your own proposal, or you could connect with ongoing research in areas such as game-based learning, giftedness and differentiation, artificial intelligence in education, collaborative learning, etc. You could complete (part of) your graduation project at an external organisation as well. This is a great way for you to combine your academic skills with hands-on experience.

    During your master’s thesis, you could focus on subjects such as:
    • Under which circumstances is inquiry-based learning (i.e. a form of active learning that starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios) effective and how should it be supported?
    • What are the benefits or drawbacks of using online labs compared to hands-on experience?
    • How can you design tailored instructional materials for students with different competence levels?
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