Rules and regulations

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Education and examination regulations (EER) 

The faculty of BMS and the University of Twente have several regulations that apply to students and lecturers.

Via this link you will find the current EER, including transitional arrangements, and the archives of the EER's of the past years.

Besides, the examination boards of the faculty of BMS have set their own Rules and Regulations (R&R). These Rules and Regulations state how they execute the requirements and powers within the framework of the Dutch Higher Education and Research Act (WHW) and the EER. The current R&R can be found on the website of the examination boards BMS.

UT regulations (student's charter) 

The Students' Charter contains the rights and obligations of students on the one hand and the University of Twente on the other hand. The charter consists of 2 parts:

Via this link  you can find an overview of the regulations 

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