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During your Master’s in Computer Science, you will earn a total of 120 EC within two years. In addition to the mandatory course Computer Ethics, you will take four mandatory specialisation courses, advanced specialisation coursers, and elective courses. As part of the electives, you can opt to do an internship, take courses to specialise in one of the four profiles, or study abroad. You will complete your Master's by writing your master’s thesis. 

European Credit Transfer System

Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which is widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work.


Year 1 and 2

of EC

Mandatory course
For all Master’s in Computer Science students.

5 EC

Core specialisation courses
For all students in Internet Science & Technology.

20 EC

Advanced specialisation courses
You should choose at least four of the advanced specialisation courses to develop expertise on a topic of your interest within the specialisation.

20 EC

Some examples of advanced specialisation courses are:

Profiling space

30 EC

Some examples of how you can fill up your profiling space:

Individual final year project

40 EC

  • Research Topics (10 EC)
  • Final project (30 EC)

Total EC

120 EC

Do you want more information about these courses?
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In the second year of your Master’s in Computer Science, you can choose to do an internship. This way, you can apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired during your studies at a science department of an international research institute, an insurance company, a government agency, a healthcare company, or a robotics company in the Netherlands or abroad. The EEMCS faculty at the University of Twente has connections with a large number of research institutes, corporations, and start-ups where you can do your internship project.   

Previous students have done internships at:


You will complete your Master’s by writing your master’s thesis. You can either do an external master’s thesis at a company or at another higher education institute or conduct research within one of the EEMCS research groups, especially at Data Management and Biometrics (DMB), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT), or Semantics, Cybersecurity, and Services (SCS). You can, for example, develop an algorithm that analyses and characterises images and videos of cardiac muscle tissues. What about creating a complete medical history of a patient to make nurses and doctors’ work more efficient?

As part of your master’s thesis, you can undertake a research project such as:
  • Building a multi-channel automatic sleep scoring model to detect sleep disorders.
  • Improving data quality for police for more effective forensic investigation.
  • Making facial recognition robust against morphing attacks.
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