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As a student of the Master’s in Chemical Science & Engineering with the specialisation in Chemical & Process Engineering, you will be taught by leading professors in the process technology domain. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to contribute to high-end research yourself. In the second year of your Master’s, you will join a research group and complete your master’s thesis there.

Do you want to know which groups you could join within this specialisation? Below you can find a selection of the related research groups and the research they are conducting.

  • Catalytic Processes & Materials (CPM)

    Catalytic Processes & Materials (CPM) focuses on applying fundamental knowledge of molecular diffusion and reactions to heterogeneous catalysts in order to explore new catalytic materials, catalytic devices and processes relevant to industry and society.

  • Film in Fluids (FIF)

    The Film in Fluids (FIF) group focuses on three main interrelated research themes: thin films synthesis, in-situ membrane (film) characterisation, inorganic hollow fibres.

  • Membrane Science & Technology (MST)

    The Membrane Science & Technology (MST) group focuses on the multidisciplinary topic of polymer membranes aimed to control mass transfer through interfaces.

  • Inorganic Membranes (IM)

    The activities of the Inorganic Membranes (IM) group centre on energy-efficient molecular separation using inorganic membranes under extreme conditions. The group combines materials science on the nanometre scale with process technology on a macroscopic scale.

  • Mesoscale Chemical Systems (MCS)

    The aim of the Mesoscale Chemical Systems (MCS) research group is to study the behaviour and control of fluids, including miscible and immiscible liquids, gases and two-phase gas-liquid systems and of the chemical species contained in these fluids in a confined environment and, more specifically, near plain, nanostructured and/or reactive surfaces and interfaces.

  • Photocatalytic Synthesis (PCS)

    The research activities of the PhotoCatalytic Synthesis (PCS) group target the development of innovative materials and concepts to produce high-efficiency photocatalytic reactions.

  • Soft Matter, Fluidics and Interfaces (SFI)

    Research within the Soft Matter, Fluidics and Interfaces (SFI) group is directed at interfacial phenomena and processes that are relevant for mass and heat transport.

  • Sustainable Process Technology (SPT)

    The research mission of the Sustainable Process Technology (SPT) group is to create and perfect new (thermo)chemical routes for the production of biomass-derived solid, gaseous and liquid fuels for renewable and sustainable energy, to separate CO2 and convert it into chemicals and fuels, and to recycle mixed plastic waste.

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