Overview of specialisations

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Which of the three specialisations suits you best?

Suppose you are working on improving energy storage systems. Which role do you want to fulfil? To contribute to the development of a new type of battery on a more fundamental level, by improving electrode materials or designing new coatings? To focus on the process of producing such batteries on a larger scale? Or by combining unit elements in a chemical plant to produce green hydrogen? Or to find the most suitable combination of materials for long-term and safe use of these batteries, in terms of chemical reactions but considering physical and mechanical aspects as well? These different approaches are represented within the three specialisations of this Master’s.

Your choice

Before starting with your Master’s in Chemical Science & Engineering, you need to choose one of these three specialisations. This way, by personalising your programme, you get to develop your own expertise.

Please note that the admission requirements differ per specialisation. Make sure to check the admission requirements before applying for this programme.

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