HomeCoursesSelf Image training

Self Image training

Improve your self-image in 7 steps.

“My classmates are way smarter than I am”, “I’m not good enough”, “I am the most boring person on earth”, and “everything I do turns out wrong”.

If you recognize these thoughts, you might have some struggles with your self-esteem. There are ways to break the pattern of thinking about yourself in such a negative way.

This self-image training is suited for you if you actually do know that a lot of your negative thoughts aren’t (completely) true, but they somehow still give you the feeling that you are dumb, ugly, boring, unimportant or bad. In the training, you will learn how to focus on your positive and valuable qualities. By doing practical exercises you can learn how to make these positive qualities more tangible and stronger. The purpose of the training is to create a more realistic self-image.

The training is a group training and it is focused on a practical approach. This means that we will be doing exercises during the meetings and we ask you to participate in an active way. You will also be asked to practice at home.  

  • Duration

    6 meetings of 2 hours (on Campus) . 

  • Dates


  • Time

    Wednesday 13.30 - 15.30 h.

  • Participation

    Maximum 8 participants

    A preliminary interview with a student's psychologist is necessary. 

  • Costs

    Participation is free of charge

  • Language

    Dutch, when international students attend, the language will be English  

  • Register

    Please contact the secretariat of SGW: at +31 53 489 2035, or visit our desk in the Vrijhof, 3rd floor, room 316 (red desk).