Aims and services

Data preservation means archiving them in a sustainable way. Publishing research data you can see as sharing them on a structural basis with the public.

Research data is often regarded as the crown jewels of science. It forms the basis of the results of scientific work. The quality of research results is also determined by the possibility of verification by means of the underlying datasets (seeĀ Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, 3.2 art. 12a). Besides that, scientific development will benefit from sharing and reuse of research data. Good preservation forms the basis of verification, sharing and reuse of the research data.

  • Aims

    Data preservation or archiving aims in the first place at preventing physical data loss or destruction and securing the authenticity of data. Besides, it contributes to the quality and impact of your scientific work by enabling verification and possible reuse, for instance for further analysis or follow-up, new research or as a contribution to a data resource for the scientific community.

    Watch this video from DANS-KNAW in which scientists explain the importance of preserving the data of their research in a sustainable way.

  • Services

    For archiving data at the UT and sharing in your research group or with specified people outside the group, use Areda.

    For publishing data, use 4TU.ResearchData, DANS or another trusted data repository.

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