Commercial Connection (Local Loop)

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Companies that are located on the UT site have access to Campusnet. This means the wireless network, wired network and the Internet. However, Campusnet cannot be used for commercial purposes. That is because the UT's network is connected to SURF. Therefore the Internet that is accessed through the networks that are connected to SURF may not be used for commercial purposes.To nevertheless give companies the option to use the Internet connections in the buildings and in order to easily achieve fast traffic interchange, a Local Loop is offered as a solution.

  • Description

    The Local Loop ensures that the company has an Internet connection through one of the providers connected to NDIX. Because the UT's network is also connected to NDIX, this connection can be made. The web traffic for commercial purposes is then funnelled through this internet provider and a separate connection does not have to be created for the relevant company.

    The company now has a functioning connection with the Internet and, through Public Peering via the NDIX, also a rapid connection with Campusnet. You can also acquire a normal Campusnet connection. The company then has to make sure that no traffic is interchanged through SURF.

  • Requests

    A Local Loop internet connection can be requested from one of the following providers:

    The UT will subsequently ensure that a selected interface at the business is directly linked to the network of the chosen Internet provider.

  • Costs

    On the self-service portal you will find more information about the costs associated with requesting a connection to the chosen Internet provider's network. For more information about the costs associated with the internet connections, please contact the aforementioned providers.

  • Support

    For support, use the self-service portal and the manuals. Should you have any other questions or should a fault occur, please contact the Service Desk ICT.

  • Additional information


    The UT is connected to SURF to enable the use of high-quality network services and to cooperate with other colleges and Universities to improve the quality of higher education and research through ICT innovations. Because SURF is a cooperative organisation that prohibits commercial use of these network services, the network may not be used for commercial purposes. Because of this, commercial users can experience problems when using Campusnet. More information about SURF can be found here.


    NDIX is a non-profit organisation that has a range of functions. NDIX is considered to be one of the internet infrastructure gateways in the Netherlands and connects the Internet in the Netherlands with Germany and the rest of Europe. It also offers a platform for knowledge exchange, internet exchange with a peering VLAN and an interface between different networks. More information about NDIX can be found here.

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