Contact Finance (FIN)

Find the right contact for your finance-related question.

For all faculties (BMS, EEMCS, ET, ITC and TNW) the Finance department within that faculty is the first point of contact for questions. Service Departments (LISA, CFM, MC, HR, etc) do not have an own Finance department and therefore contact the central points of contact listed below or their Business Controller and Finance Controller at the central FIN department. 

Specific contacts for your unit


FIN contacts available for your faculty/department

Sorry, there is no information specified for you.

Other faculties/departments

General UT procedures are listed on Your faculty's intranet offers additional specific information and contacts:

For CES employees:

M. Roelofs (Mark)
M. Roelofs (Mark)
Financial Controller
J.A. Kerkhof MBA (Juliët)
J.A. Kerkhof MBA (Juliët)
Business Controller

For Student Union employees (part of CES):

M. Roelofs (Mark)
M. Roelofs (Mark)
Financial Controller

For CFM employees:

W. de Kerf (Wouter)
W. de Kerf (Wouter)
Financial Controller

For vastgoed (LTSH):

W. de Kerf (Wouter)
W. de Kerf (Wouter)
Financial Controller
drs. I.A.M. Booijink (Ineke)
drs. I.A.M. Booijink (Ineke)
Business Controller

For FIN employees:

M.E.W. Meijer MSc (Manouk)
M.E.W. Meijer MSc (Manouk)
Financial Controller
B. Snippers (Bob)
B. Snippers (Bob)
Business Controller

For SP employees:

W. de Kerf (Wouter)
W. de Kerf (Wouter)
Financial Controller
B. Snippers (Bob)
B. Snippers (Bob)
Business Controller

For St. ECIU:

M.A. de Vries (Michael)
M.A. de Vries (Michael)
Financial Controller
B. Snippers (Bob)
B. Snippers (Bob)
Business Controller

For HR employees:

A.M. Wiggers (Anniek)
A.M. Wiggers (Anniek)
Financial Controller
J.A. Kerkhof MBA (Juliët)
J.A. Kerkhof MBA (Juliët)
Business Controller

For LISA employees:

M. Roelofs (Mark)
M. Roelofs (Mark)
Financial Controller
ir. H.J. Voltman (Jaco)
ir. H.J. Voltman (Jaco)
Business Controller

For SBD employees: 

M.E.W. Meijer MSc (Manouk)
M.E.W. Meijer MSc (Manouk)
Financial Controller
ir. H.J. Voltman (Jaco)
ir. H.J. Voltman (Jaco)
Business Controller

For GA/EB employees (incl GA-INVL): 

M.A. de Vries (Michael)
M.A. de Vries (Michael)
Financial Controller
ir. H.J. Voltman (Jaco)
ir. H.J. Voltman (Jaco)
Business Controller

For MC employees:

M. Roelofs (Mark)
M. Roelofs (Mark)
Financial Controller
B. Snippers (Bob)
B. Snippers (Bob)
Business Controller

For CHRM projects (HR/OPUT)

A.M. Wiggers (Anniek)
A.M. Wiggers (Anniek)
Financial Controller
J.A. Kerkhof MBA (Juliët)
J.A. Kerkhof MBA (Juliët)
Business Controller

There is no specific contact available for students and externals. 

Contacts for other UT wide topics (Financial Controller/Business Controller):

  • Central unit (CE/CEG): Anniek Wiggers/Fikri Aktan
  • Real Estate & Housing (REH):
    • General: Wouter de Kerf/Remco Veenstra
    • Maintenance: Wouter de Kerf/Fikri Aktan
  • Long Term Strategy Housing (LTSH): Wouter de Kerf/ Ineke Booijink

Contacts & key users Unit4

Business Unit




Corine Arkema-Scheer

Martin van Ooijen


Veronique Ligtenberg/
Miranda Luttikhuis

Mart Deterd


Irma Droste /Aurelia Ros-Peters

Roy Nordkamp


Erik Smit

Angela Heuven


Tineke Scholte

Jorik Noordkamp

Service Departments

Anniek Wiggers

Martijn Slaghuis

General desks & email addresses

The information in this section is mainly for service department employees. Faculty members can contact their own financial department, see the personalised yellow area above.

All questions related to ensuring reliable administration and payment transactions can be submitted to Financial Services via 


For questions, additional information about orders, etc , please contact the Front-Office P2P via or 053-4897676. For details see the Proactis manuals.


For questions about UT's financial system Unit4, used for declaring costs or submitting time sheets and more, please see for all documentation and contact details. To access the application directly, use


Only open by appointment on Tuesday until Thursday between 9.00-15.00. To make an appointment please contact Anita van Dijk. Location: Spiegel Room 625.

Chamber of Commerce identification number: 50130536
VAT identification number: 002946725B01


FIN has drawn up an invoice guide (factuurwijzer). For questions about unpaid invoices or missing payment specifications please contact

Invoice guide/factuurwijzer


Have you received an invoice or reminder and you have questions about this? Please contact the debtor administration, tel. 053489 3644 or mail to

Departments at FIN

Finances is divided into three main departments: 


Core task: ensuring a reliable administration and payment transactions.


Core task: policy-oriented advice and support for the management, board and services aimed at achieving the objectives


Core task: policy advisory role at strategic level

Management Team (MT)

Director FIN and the managers for all three departments:


Finance (FIN)
Spiegel building
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede


Sandra Wichers Schreur & Nancy ten Vregelaar
T.: 053-489 1001 / 053-489 1000   


Drs. D.P.E. (Dennis) van Zijl RA
T: 053-489 1001

About FIN

The Finance (FIN) department has a policy supporting, monitoring and executing task regarding the financial function. This task focuses on both the primary process and the universities' administration. The tasks are performed within the departments: Financial Services (FS), Financial Business Support (FBS) and Financial Governance & Compliance (FGC).

FIN's mission is formulated as follows: "Formulating, executing and monitoring the financial, economic and administrative policy based on the strategic goals of the university. These activities are aimed at providing management with an optimal management tool with which effective and efficient the use of financial resources is guaranteed".

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