Data policies and requirements

Find out what data policies and guidelines there are at the UT and in the faculties and what research funders demand.

  • Data policies

    The University of Twente has a policy on research data management (RDM). This is an overall data policy on how to handle research data. It serves as a framework for data policies in the faculties, institutes, departments and research groups. Data policies give regulations and guidelines regarding data management plans as well as the storage, security, documentation, sharing and archiving of research data.

    When setting up your research you should check all RDM policies that are relevant to you. Below you find the data policy of the UT and part of the faculties.

  • NWO / Funder requirements

    Research funders NWO, ZonMw and the EU have a data management policy which affects grant submission. They all ask you to write a data management plan within a certain amount of months after the start of your project. NWO and the EU also want you to answer specific questions as part of the submission process (data management section) about the way you are going to manage the research data.


    NWO implemented a data management policy in all funding instruments with effect from 1 October 2016.

    Data management section
    Calls for proposals will include a data management section in which the researcher should answer a number of short questions.

    Data management plan
    No later than 4 months after the project has been awarded, the researcher must submit a data management plan. You can use the template in the UT DMP-tool (also linked to the UT RDM course) which is approved by NWO.

    FAIR data
    The NWO data policy aims at stimulating researchers to work according to the so-called FAIR data principles, which means that data must be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.

    More information can be found on the NWO data management page.


    Planning research data management
    When writing your grant proposal it is highly recommend to already think about data management during and after your research.

    Data management plan
    After a research proposal is granted, the grant recipient must draw up a data management plan. You can use the template in the UT DMP-tool (also linked to the UT RDM course) which is approved by ZonMw.

    Data ownership and availability
    ZonMw and the grant recipient will share ownership of the produced data sets. The data must be available for the benefit of further scientific and/or academic research.

    FAIR data
    The ZonMw data policy aims at stimulating researchers to work according to the so-called FAIR data principles, which means that data must be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.

    More information can be found on the ZonMw data management page.


    The EU has programmes for research and innovation projects. Horizon 2020 will end in December 2020, but there are still several calls open. A new programme, Horizon Europe has been developed for 2021-2027. More information is offered by the UT Grants Office.

    RDM and FAIR data are an essential part in both EU funding programmes. There are guidelines available.

    Horizon 2020 (2014-2020)
    Information and requirements regarding RDM and FAIR data can be found in the EU Horizon 2020 guidelines. In section 3 of this guideline you can read what RDM issues you should address in your application.

    Look here for general information on data management in this programme.

    When a project has been granted a data management plan (DMP) must be handed in before the start of the project. The template in the UT DMP-tool (also linked to the UT RDM course) is accepted. More information can be found on the H2020 general information page.

    ERC (European Research Council) grantees of projects that take part in the Horizon 2020 Open Research Data pilot are required to submit a DMP within six months after the start of the project. There is specific information on Open Research Data and Data Management Plans. 

    Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
    General information and requirements regarding research data management can be found in the programme guide, Open science section. If you expect to generate or reuse data and/or other research outputs (except for publications), you are required to outline in a maximum of one page how these will be managed. Research data management should be in line with the FAIR principles.

    When using the Horizon Europe Programme Standard Application Form, you can use this guidance for Part B -section 1.2. Methodology, final bullets “Open Science” and “Research data management and management of other research outputs".

    ERC (European Research Council) grantees who generate research data have to submit a DMP at the latest six months after the start of the project. There is specific information on Open Research Data and Data Management Plans (DMP).

    When a project has been granted a DMP must be handed in before the start of the project. The template in the UT DMP-tool (also linked to the UT RDM course) is accepted.

    More information can be found in the Horizon Europe programme guide, especially in the section about Open Science.

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