Presentation support

Looking for help or advice on preparing a presentation for a subsidy application or something else? A good presentation can make all the difference in achieving your goal. This page contains tips, instructions and references to support you.


The Communications Department is happy to provide input in respect of developing the message and identifying the information needs of the target groups. Contact the communications advisor for your unit for support.

Guides and templates

Use the official PowerPoint templates. You can find visual material in the MC/UToday image repository All UT employees can log in to access the internal photo database. To download large size images, put them in your shopping card and 'order' them digitally.

Contact Traffic if you want to get in touch with a professional (paid) graphic designer who can help you with your presentation. 

Tips for a good presentation

  • Choose a clear story line with a clearly defined beginning, middle and end.
  • Tailor your presentation to the target group (not one-size-fits-all), also consider tone-of-voice, style, etc.
  • Use related images that are suitable for the target group (images are more appealing than text).
  • Use practical examples the target group can relate to.
  • Practice delivering your presentation in advance and ask for feedback.
  • Ensure ‘it’ is polished: your presentation (house style/template) and yourself.
  • Engage with your audience within the first minute.
  • Ensure variation: tell and ask, play with emotions and speed, go a little faster and a little slower at times.
  • Organise breaks during long presentations.

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