To check the open questions, it is possible to set correction criteria in Remindo. If necessary, these correction criteria or score per correction criterium can be changed after the test moment.
Follow the steps below to change the correction criteria, after the test moment:
1. Log in on Remindo toets, use SURF-conext.
2. Go to Results - Analysis, click the tab for Test-moment.
3. Select the right Test-moment. Use the filter option to select an specific test moment.
4. On the analyse-page at the tab Analyze items, you can click the 'Interaction analyse' icon next to an specific item to open the interaction analysis of that item.
5. Click on to add or edit a correction criterium for that specific item. The following screen will open, the red numbers are explained below.
6. To which results would you apply the changes? Remindo will standard select the test moment and test recipe, which was selected in step 3.
7. Which correction do you want to make? It is recommended to make changes in the scoring criteria at first in concept.
8. When you have chosen 'by changing the response model' (at step 7), the current scoring criteria of the item are visable. It is possible to change these current criteria or to add a new scoring criterium.
9. Do you want to re-open correciton rounds, after changing the score model?
NOTE: When adding a new correction criterium, Remindo will alway re-open the related correction rounds.