There are various actions you can apply to multiple questions at once.
Instruction video: Approve a series of questions:
Bulk Actions stepwise:
There are various actions you can apply to multiple questions at once. To do so:
1. Select: Select the questions you want to edit;
2. 'Lightning bolt' icon: Click the 'lightning bolt' icon. The following screen will pop-up:
3. Question settings: You can edit the question settings of the selected questions at once, e.g. change the (sub-)category of the questions in the item bank.
More information about editing question properties is described in the topic Using 'Question properties'.
4. Question status: You can edit the question status of the selected questions at once. When you want to use a question in a test, the status of this question has to be 'approved'.
Please note: when you have finished applying changes, you need to click to clear the selection. If you forget this step, they will remain selected and your next set of changes will also be applied to them.