Plagiarism detection (SimCheck)

Plagiarism detection is available in Canvas assignments, Remindo and as a stand alone web application. SimCheck is the plagiarism detection software used at the University of Twente (this is the same product as 'Turnitin Similarity'). The supplier of SimCheck is the company Turnitin.

If you want to use SimCheck as a stand alone web application, you can request a personal account. This is only allowed for UT employees. 
If you already have an account, you can access SimCheck at

  • SimCheck database

    SimCheck compares the uploaded document to text in documents from the following locations:

    • The public Internet
    • Scientific publications via Crossref (a platform facilitating the direct links to scientific publications by use of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)).
    • Publications from other sources
    • The UT database, which consists of documents that:
      • were submitted for Canvas or Blackboard assignments in which plagiarism detection was activated.
      • were submitted for Remindo tests in which plagiarism detection was activated.
      • were uploaded in the stand alone SimCheck or Ephorus application .
        Excluded from the search are documents that were only checked for plagiarism and have not been indexed in the database.
  • Requirements for file type and size
    • Supported file types included: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), WordPerfect, and plain text. Zip files can be checked in the stand alone version of SimCheck, not in Canvas.
      Note: Images within the supported file types can’t be checked for plagiarism.
    • A file can be up to 100 MB (zipfiles 200 MB) and must contain at least 20 words of text
    • The maximum paper length permitted is 800 pages
    • Zip files can't contain more than 100 files



Contact for questions about using SimCheck in Canvas

If you have any other questions or need help, please contact: