Courses & research

During your Master’s in Environmental & Energy Management (MEEM), you will collect a total of 60 EC within one year. The curriculum consists of a set of compulsory courses for all students, which will give you a solid foundation in all three domains of environment, energy and water, as well as two personal development electives. You will focus specifically on the domain of your specialisation – energy management – in the case project and your master’s thesis, which take place in the second semester (February to August).

European Credit Transfer System

Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which is widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work.


Number of EC

Compulsory courses

31 EC

Personal Development Electives
You choose two out of five electives

4 E

Case Project Energy Management

10 EC

You work on a case related to the field of energy management, together with a team of fellow students, applying the challenge-based learning approach.

Master's thesis Energy Management

15 EC

You will finish your Master’s with your master’s thesis.

Total EC first year

60 EC

Do you want in-depth information about these courses?
or meet online with a student and gain first-hand experience!
  • Case project in Energy Management

    In your second semester, you will work on a case study project together with a group of your fellow students. This project reflects a real-life, relevant challenge in society, related to energy management. You and your teammates will come up with your own topic within this field and develop a strategy and design a (potential) solution to this challenge. You can even connect to external clients, like a municipality, regional authorities or associations, companies, or local energy cooperatives, and present your solution there!

    Examples of case study projects students took on:

    • Exploring the potential contribution of energy storage to the reduction of grid congestion in the Netherlands
    • Mapping stakeholders for potential collaboration and opportunities in electric mobility
    • Analysing the role of household-level batteries for energy independence on the Dutch island of Ameland
  • Master’s thesis in Energy Management

    You will complete MEEM by writing your master’s thesis. The choice of your thesis subject is largely up to you. You could come up with your own proposal, or you could connect with ongoing research within UT’s Section of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM), on topics such as smart grids, bioenergy, smart regions and cities, energy and regulations, energy and gender, and climate change mitigation policy, to name some examples.

    In your master’s thesis, you could focus on subjects such as:
    • How can a functioning Dutch hydrogen economy be established from a supply chain perspective?
    • How do actors in the Twente energy region perceive the justness of the energy transition in the Netherlands?
    • How can a peer-to-peer electricity market design become a viable alternative to the current Dutch electricity market design on the community level, from a social perspective?
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