Hari Krishna

Hari Krishna Dhonju

Country: Nepal 

Profession: GIS application developer at ICIMOD Nepal

Although I was successful in solving the complex spatial engineering problems effectively, I felt that my knowledge of geo-information science and earth observation was inadequate. I wanted to dig deep into the problems and deliver a complete solution in an efficient and effective way. Consequently doing an MSc in Geo- Information Science and Earth Observation was the best move to fulfil my aspiration and assist my career.

Having an ITC degree made it very easy for me to find a job, as ITC is known to produce competent and independent junior researchers. Currently I am working as a GIS application developer at ICIMOD, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. My main responsibilities are developing GIS-based web and desktop applications using open source and commercial GIS/remote sensing software tools, and documenting the developed applications. I usually feel happiest and most satisfied when I can succeed in resolving complex and challenging GIS/remote sensing problems through programming.

I knew that ITC was well known all over the world for its expertise in the field of geo-information science and earth observation. I was interested in acquiring comprehensive knowledge of GIS and remote sensing in order to strengthen my professionalism in civil engineering, and then contribute my expertise to the nation. ITC will teach you time management, self-centred learning and system Earth. Further, it will teach you who you are, what you can do and how you can perform your work independently, so that you can recognize yourself and your capabilities.

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