Honours programmes and student teams

How are your studies going? Are you looking for an extra challenge?

If you are one of the top 10% of students in your study programme and would like to stretch yourself a little bit more, think about participating in the University of Twente’s Honours programmes. These involve extracurricular studies, and you can take part in them alongside your regular bachelor's. They are characterised by our High Tech, Human Touch approach. This means you learn how to combine technology, engineering and social sciences in order to respond swiftly to societal challenges and issues.

Depending on which programme you are enrolled in, there are three options:

  • Bachelor's honours programme

    Would you like to learn about other scientific disciplines, in addition to your existing study programme? The Bachelor's Honours programme could provide exactly the broader approach that you are looking for. For a period of eighteen months, you will follow one of the multidisciplinary tracks and work closely with students and scientists from other fields of study and research. The Bachelor's Honours programme begins every year in February and is open to all bachelor's students who are in the top 10% of their study programme. 

  • STAR programme

    This programme is a supplementary in-depth programme for students of Management, Society & Technology, International Business Administration, Industrial Design Engineering, Communication Science and Psychology. In a number of modules, you will be challenged to work on an in-depth project.

  • PLUS programme

    Are you studying the Dutch-taught 'Technische Natuurkunde'? And would you like to learn about specialist themes from a specific research group? The PLUS Programme will challenge you to explore a specific field of science in greater depth during modules 2 to 8 of your bachelor's. 

Curious about what students have to say about our Honours programmes? Check out the video below.

Discover all our Honours programmes
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A wide range of options

There are dozens of ways to grow and develop as you progress through your regular studies. You could join a multidisciplinary student team, study, student, or sports association and organise symposia, tournaments or exchange trips. The Kick-In Introduction Week for new students is organised entirely by current students, for instance. The Bedrijvendagen careers fair, which is the largest in the Netherlands, is also organised by students. Other popular student initiatives include multidisciplinary student teams such as Solar Team Twente, where students build sustainably powered vehicles and compete against teams from other universities across the world.

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