Selection procedure

The Bachelor’s programme Psychology at the University of Twente (UT) has an intake restriction in the capacity of 450 places in order to ensure high-quality education and the best suitability with the programme. Once you have registered via Studielink for the Bachelor’s programme Psychology and have (conditionally) been accepted, you are invited to take part in our selection procedure.

During the admission and selection process, you receive e-mails from the university and study programme. Sometimes these e-mails require you to reply or take further action in a short amount of time, for example in case of admission related issues. Therefore it is important to check your e-mail on a regular basis (even daily after you submitted your application, until 7 February) including your spam folder, to not miss out on any information.

 Selection assessment

During the selection procedure, you will take part in several activities that will assess your competencies and suitability with Psychology at the UT. And also to provide you an overview of what the study programme has to offer and what is expected of you. The selection procedure consists of the following three components:

1.    Online matching assignment (20%)
Assignment to evaluate your fit with the study programme in Psychology and with the unique technology profile of Psychology as offered at the UT.

Submission deadline: Monday 3 March 2025 09:00 AM (CET)

2.    Psychology online test (40%)
Open book (multiple choice) test to evaluate your skills to learn the scientific psychology literature and to apply your knowledge to societal problems. For this test you will receive study materials to prepare yourself for the test.

Taking part online: Friday 14 March 2025

3.    Methods & Statistics online test (40%)
Open book (multiple choice) test to evaluate your skills to learn methods and statistics and to apply your knowledge to small examples. For this test you will receive study materials to prepare yourself for the test.

Taking part online: Friday 14 March 2025


Taking part in the activities will require preparation, for which you will receive further instructions and materials from the programme by e-mail between 3 and 7 February 2025. You will have approximately four weeks to prepare for the assignment and more than five weeks to prepare for the online tests. The literature to be studied for the online tests will be in English. If you applied for the Dutch track, the online tests and matching assignment will be administered in Dutch.

The tests can be taken between 09:00 CET and 21:00 CET. The maximum duration is about 1,5 hours in total, continuously. The tests taking place online require you to be able to take them in a quiet environment without the possible presence of other people, to minimise any suspicion of fraud. Next to this it is indispensable and your own responsibility to have a proper working internet connection.


The weighting of the assignment and two tests will result in to the final score of your performance. Based on this score the ranking numbers of all candidates will be determined. This also means that you receive a ranking number only when you participate in all three activities.

In case of identical final scores for two or more candidates, a ranking number will be assigned to each of these candidates based on their score on the Psychology test. In case no unique ranking number can be assigned to candidates this way, the order of the ranking numbers will be determined by the matching assignment. The score on the Methods and Statistics test will be used by the selection committee to differentiate between candidates to whom no unique ranking number could be assigned even after applying the above.  

Ranking number

After your participation in the selection procedure, you will receive an individual ranking number which is based on your performance on the three selection components. Your individual ranking number will be published on 15 April 2025 via Studielink. Once you received an offer for a place in the programme, you have 14 days to accept it. If you do not accept the offer (in time), the offer will expire and the place will be offered automatically to the next candidate on the ranking list via Studielink.

Candidates with a ranking number higher than the maximum capacity of 450 places will be placed on the waiting list, in the order of their position on the total ranking list (thus by ranking number). There might still be a chance for you to receive a place in the programme, as some candidates will decline their offer. Places will be offered to candidates on the waiting list via Studielink up until 15 August 2025. If you receive a placement offer, you will be notified by Studielink. If so, accept your placement offer within 14 days. You can find a step by step explanation on how to accept your place for a numerus fixus programme via Studielink. If you are on the waiting list, deadlines for finalising your enrolment still apply.

When you have not been offered a place ultimately on 15 August, this means you cannot start the Bachelor’s programme Psychology at the University of Twente in September 2025. You can participate in the selection procedure three times in total. Please note that if your application in Studielink is active after 15 January, this will count as one selection attempt. 

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