- Participation bodiesParticipation at the UT is organised on different levels, as well for students as for employees. Students Participation for students is arranged on different levels: Centralised University Council (URaad) Decentralised Faculty Council Programme committee Besides that, participation and representation of student organisations is arranged by the Student Union. Employees Participation for employees is arranged on different levels: Centralised University Council (URaad) OPUT Decentralised or specific Faculty Council (for faculty) or Service Council (for service departments) Institute council (faculty members involved in a research institutes) PNUT (PhD students) For all participation information, see: Dutch: www.utwente.nl/medezeggenschap English: www.utwente.nl/participation
- Policy Brief Signalling Outside-inThis (recurring) briefing interprets the Strategy & Policy department's role in providing the UT with relevant information from the outside world. This is extra important in a constantly changing world, and the circumstances of the UT are changing rapidly. The briefing is compiled with colleagues from other departments and faculties. Visual October 2024 links to visual ENG def.pdf Policy Briefing October 2024 links to Policy Briefing Signalling Outside in Oct 2024 ENG.pdf Visual April 2024 links to Visual ENG.pdf Policy Briefing April 2024 links to Policy Briefing April 2024 Signalling Outside in ENG text.pdf
- UT Language Policy: guidelines, style guide, educational terms, translations and editingUT has the following guidelines and starting points resulting from UT's Language Policy: Information for a heterogeneous target group is provided in two languages (Dutch and English) Information for a Dutch-speaking target audience is provided in Dutch Information for a non-Dutch-speaking target audience is provided in English. More information about UT's language policy? Want to know how to write consistent English in accordance with the UT style guide and list of eductional terms? Need to have your text translated or edited? Take a look below! UT Language Policy links to https://www.utwente.nl/en/ces/language-centre/translation-editing-services/language-policy/ English is the primary language of communication at UT; you can find more information here. UT English Style Guide links to https://www.utwente.nl/en/ces/language-centre/translation-editing-services/english-styleguide/ A guide for UT staff to a consistent presentation in communications written in English. UT List of Translated Educational Terms NL-EN
- Vision on Learning and TeachingHow can education at UT empower students to contribute to a better world? And how can UT’s commitment to making a positive impact on society through technology, strengthen that contribution? The ‘UT Vision on Learning and Teaching’ offers guidance, outlining how we can equip students with ‘more than a degree.’ Taking the challenges of our time as starting point, it places three goals at the heart of our education: learning by doing, building inclusive communities and self-development. Interconnected like the rings of a Borromean knot, these three goals form a roadmap to achieve our UT mission: to be a people-centred university of technology that empowers society through sustainable solutions. The UT Vision on Learning and Teaching provides a basis for strategy, investments, and the implementation of educational activities. The University of Twente vision on learning and teaching links to Vision on Learning and Teaching.pdf Contact M. Poldervaart (Marike)