- Staff mobilityInterested in going abroad for work? Discover your options! UT attaches great value to the mobility of our staff. UT employees can visit universities abroad for professional development or for strategic and academic cooperation. There are a number of funding options available for both academic and support staff to undertake mobility programmes at institutions outside of the Netherlands. Professional development Would you like to find out about developments taking place in your field at universities abroad and would you like to learn from them? The UT believes it is important to offer international opportunities for staff to develop themselves professionally and to strengthen their competencies. Besides the wide variety of local training available at UT’s Centre for Training & Development, staff can undertake professional development at other institutions, for example by participating in a staff exchange programme at a partner university abroad. Strategic & academic cooperation UT has formal global academic partnerships
- UT Language Policy: guidelines, style guide, educational terms, translations and editingUT has the following guidelines and starting points resulting from UT's Language Policy: Information for a heterogeneous target group is provided in two languages (Dutch and English) Information for a Dutch-speaking target audience is provided in Dutch Information for a non-Dutch-speaking target audience is provided in English. More information about UT's language policy? Want to know how to write consistent English in accordance with the UT style guide and list of eductional terms? Need to have your text translated or edited? Take a look below! UT Language Policy links to https://www.utwente.nl/en/ces/language-centre/translation-editing-services/language-policy/ English is the primary language of communication at UT; you can find more information here. UT English Style Guide links to https://www.utwente.nl/en/ces/language-centre/translation-editing-services/english-styleguide/ A guide for UT staff to a consistent presentation in communications written in English. UT List of Translated Educational Terms NL-EN
- White paper on the future of internationalisationIn January 2021, we launched a project to bring all the international dimensions of the UT together in one comprehensive document and present an actual, integrated view on internationalisation at the UT founded on the achievements under Vision2020 and the internationalisation vision ‘2020: Educating the Global Citizen’. Stakeholder sessions with over 80 people from the UT were a significant source of input and information as well. The resulting white paper, “International Dimensions of the UT”, was discussed with the University Council and received positive advice during the last Council meeting. The white paper is not considered a ‘new’ internationalisation vision as it combines and builds upon existing vision, strategy and policy documents. However, the way all these elements and dimensions are brought together and presented is new. Because of its integrated approach, the white paper is part of the main policy framework of the UT for the coming decade under the umbrella of Shaping2030. The final and approved