- Alumni portal (incl email address and news)Alumni can use the alumni portal to get in touch with other alumni and associations access the UT library update their personal information access their alumni email address/mailbox The digital alumni newsletter is sent monthly to all alumni. Are you not receiving the monthly newsletter but do you want to? Then update your contact details via the alumni website.
- Service Portal (+ webapps & employee news)Quicklinks Employee webapps links to https://www.utwente.nl/webapps Employee news/events links to https://www.utwente.nl/en/service-portal/news-events/ The service Portal is UT's primary communication channel for employees, providing personalised information. The Service Portal combines different types of information for employees in one spot. Some pages, like the IT manuals or the campus facilities, may also be relevant to a broader audience (students and/or externals). The Service Portal is by default open to everybody, but page admins can decide to protect information (whole pages or specific paragraphs or documents within pages). Home/Service ABC: all practical information the UT service departments provide, such as HR, FIN, etc. Information is personalised per main unit (faculty/service department). Web applications for employees (login required) News: personalised and also sent by mail to employees on Monday (weekly or monthly, Dutch or English): News for employees (login required, personalised based on
- UT non-standard hosting (Customised Web Services)The University of Twente has opted for WebHare as its standard platform for offering websites for departments, educational programs, projects, etc. If you are interested in a website of your own, please contact Marketing & Communication (MC) to discuss the possibilities of WebHare. You can contact the Online Media Service Desk (utwente.nl/mc > contact) for this purpose. See link: utwente.nl/en/websites/webhare/request-website If the Online Media Service Desk indicates that WebHare is unable to meet your technical requirements, the customized web services described below can be applied for. Description LISA offers customised web services that use INSTALLATRON. Installatron offers a very flexible web application installer that supports frequently used web applications, such as apps for social network software and content management systems. The customised web services have a control panel for each website using which you can manage your website and implement updates. Delivery The web service offers you: Fair use
- Web forms / online formsStudents and staff frequently use web forms. This page provides an overview of the web form options available to UT members and considers privacy regulations. Data retention period For all forms, please delete the personal data as soon as you no longer need them. This is required by law. Do not keep local copies of personal data. Microsoft forms Students and employees can create forms in their Microsoft Office 365 account as provided by UT. The forms, therefore, meet the privacy regulations and should be the first choice when setting up a web form. There are two ways to set up forms: On office.com The forms are available on office.com, the link to directly access the forms application online is forms.office.com. See the documentation about MS Teams Forms for more information. In MS Teams You can also create forms within Teams and set the availability to the public to make them worldwide accessible. Here are the basic steps for that: In Teams, go to the list of icons on the left, click the ... below the icon list
- Website archiving tool: archiefwebAre you looking for a former version of your web page? Use utwente.nl/archiefweb.eu to view an older version. Finding an old page Go to http://utwente.archiefweb.eu: Fill in a search term, like mesaplus to find www.utwente.nl/mesaplus. Your search term is a term that is part of the URL or part of the website title. Locate your site in the results on the right. Click the little calendar icon, to select a date you want to view, for example 1 October 2017. Why archive old pages Government organisations like public universities must make old website versions available according to the Dutch archiving legislation. LOOKING BACK FURTHER If you want to look up versions of pages older than 22 September 2017, you may find them on the way back machine: https://archive.org. The UT website is available here. Even in the 1997 version. :)
- Website feedback toolDe UT uses the GetFeedback (former Usabilla) tool to collect website feedback. Usabilla is a Dutch university spin-off. For website visitors Website visitors can submit their feedback anonymously. Submitting feedback anonymously increased the amount of received feedback by 1000%. We always receive technical specs like browser versions because this is, in most cases, necessary to understand and solve the reported issues. Although this type of feedback usually collects IP addresses, we turned that feature off because we are not interested in that information. If you do not see the feedback flag on utwente.nl/... websites, you are probably blocking cookies. For admins of UT websites and systems The GetFeedback flag to submit feedback is by default available in all official UT websites built in the UT Content Management System WebHare. It has been defined as an analytics tool and is therefore available on the page when the visitor accepts analytics cookies. Options for websites and systems outside Webhare We recommend
- Website templates & request / URL policyWebsites are by default built in the UT Content Management System WebHare for professional UT (mobile) design, to meet legal requirements like GDPR, accessibility, and cookie regulations, and for good search engine optimisation. However, exceptions are available in some situations. Pros and cons: WebHare vs Do it yourself website Website/URL request (WebHare, Do it yourself, systems, etc)