Relocations / Moving


All relocations at UT are handled via the Facility Department. Requesting a relocation can be done at your building's Service Desk or Facility Service Team Leader. The Facility Service Team Leader will then organize the relocation.

 A distinction is made between two types of relocations:

  1. Internal relocations (maximum of two rooms)
  2. Internal relocations (more than two rooms) and External relocations*

* external relocations are defined as relocations between two buildings on the UT campus and relocations from UT to elsewhere or from elsewhere to UT.

Order Method

Internal relocations (maximum of two rooms)

A relocation of two rooms or less is executed by the building's internal service department. The basic principle is that a relocation must be reported to the Facility Service Team Leader at least one week in advance. An employee of the Internal Service Department will discuss the relocation with you. The internal service department will provide the relocation/move of furniture and boxes, will adjust the name signs and will issue keys. The client will take care of packing the boxes and items, changing telephone information and IT connections.

Internal relocations (more than two rooms) and External relocations.

These relocations will be executed by the contracted movers. The Facility Service Team Leader will request an offer from the movers, which will be discussed with the applicant upon receipt. After the applicant has approved the offer, the Facility Service Team Leader will draw up planning for the relocation together with the applicant and the movers. This planning will also take into account any renovations and additional cleaning activities as a result of the relocation. The Facility Service Team Leader supervises the entire process.

Delivery period

Internal relocations with a maximum of two rooms can be executed within eight working days. Relocations by the movers can be executed within three weeks.


The standard services cover the costs for an internal relocation with a maximum of two rooms. The client is responsible for the costs for the other relocations.


Communication can be an important supportive factor in the successful completion of a project such as a move. The Communcation department of Marketing & Communication can advise and support, preferably from the beginning of a project. For this, you can contact the communication department contact responsible for your unit (see MC contact page). Do not forget your nameplates / door signs / room signs (you can create these via the online design tool). 


This service is executed by the building's Internal Service Department. The Facility Service Team Leader is responsible for the execution.

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