WebHare is the content management system (CMS) for UT websites.
For website editors:
Website request
For available URLs, templates, and other webspace options, see our documentation website, www.utwente.nl/webhare (intranet) > Website/webspace request.
Users with editor rights can login using webhare.utwente.nl. To get an account, let one of the current editors of a certain site send an email to onlinemedia (at) utwente.nl.
See our documentation website www.utwente.nl/webhare (intranet) > Courses for an overview of available courses, all free of costs.
Documentation/manuals UT template
See our documentation website, www.utwente.nl/webhare (intranet). The site contains information about
- Standards and agreements (NL/EU legal requirements like GDPR, accessibility and UT policy)
- All features for the UT template explained (inline components, widgets, navigation, header, footer)
- News and events (NEO application)
- Web forms in WebHare
- Other special apps we use in WebHare, related to the UT website