Below you will find important information with regard to the publication of your doctoral thesis.
- Requirements according to promotion rules
As required by the promotion rules (article 16 and 17), researchers who want to take their doctoral degree have to hand in two weeks before the promotion date:
- Two copies of the thesis (the book)
- If applicable, a copy of the accompanying propositions
- A digital version of the thesis with cover; upload your publication through Pure or if you don't have access anymore, please send it to
- An abstract in English of 250 till 350 words (not the entire summary)
It is possible to impose an embargo when your thesis is not allowed to be published publicly yet.
- Publication of your doctoral thesis
The University Library adds your thesis to:
- The collection of the University of Twente (it will be indexed in the database behind FindUT)
- The collection and catalogue of the Royal Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek)
- UT Research Information, the public portal of all UT scientific output
Adding your thesis to Pure, the back-end system of UT Research Information, guarantees inclusion in NARCIS and international search engines Google (Scholar), OAIster, and BASE. This increases the availability, visibility, the recognition, and the citation score of your scientific work.
Any questions?
Contact Content Management Last edit: 25 June 2024