Lightweight Database

Service for the storage and retrieval of research data in a structured database environment.

  • Applications

    Every UT member of staff can apply for a lightweight database server. This member of staff can specify who should have access to this. The service is also open to participants from outside the UT, although they cannot apply for a new lightweight database server.

    Self-service applications will be possible in the future.

  • Costs

    No costs are charged for up to 5 GB data storage.

  • Conditions

    The following are required to use the lightweight database:

    • Computer with internet connection;
    • ICT account
  • Delivery

    Pending the introduction of self-service, the delivery is a maximum of one week.

  • Support

    This is a service for UT members of staff wishing to store UT-related (research/education) information in a structured manner and want to make it available through an application. The application for a new lightweight database server is made through the Service Desk ICT.

  • Manuals & links

    A manual for the use of a lightweight database server is not supplied by LISA. Use Google for additional information.

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