Lists server request form

Below are a number of questions about options that are important for the proper functioning of the list.


You have a choice of three types of lists:

A two-way discussion list, where the list postings are not reviewed by a moderator. Subscribers are allowed to post to the list directly. There is no moderation or editor. 

A one-way list used for announcements, newsletters and similar types of communication. Subscribers are not allowed to post to the list.

A two-way discussion list, where list postings have to be reviewed by a moderator. Subscribers are allowed to post to the list. However, before their postings are distributed to the other subscribers, a moderator (editor) first has to approve them.

Provide the email addresses of the moderators in the field above.

the list is open to the public and anyone can subscribe to the list.

The list is open for subscription requests, but the list owner must approve all subscriptions.

The list is closed for subscriptions. Only the list owner can add subscribers.

My favourites

About Favourites
Use the Bookmark this page button on Service Portal pages to add that page to the My Favourites section. To add web applications, use the star icon in the webapplication list. To add pages outside the Service Portal, use the Add custom bookmark button above. Add your favourite apps to your bookmarks by using the favourite button.

The My Organisation section shows mandatory bookmarks for your your main unit.

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