The University of Twente offers a campus-wide license to MATLAB, Simulink, and companion products. All employees and students are eligible to download and install these products on their university computers as well as their personally-owned computers.
- Licence details
The University of Twente has a Total Academic Headcount (TAH) License for MATLAB, Simulink and the full suite of Add-On Toolboxes available to employees and students.
Our license provides the widest and most up-to-date array of products, supporting everything from introductory level courses to advanced academic research.Available Add-On Products:
Polyspace Bug Finder
Polyspace Code Prover
5G Toolbox
Powertrain Blockset
Aerospace Blockset
Predictive Maintenance Toolbox
Aerospace Toolbox
RF Blockset
Antenna Toolbox
RF Toolbox
Audio System Toolbox
Risk Management Toolbox
Automated Driving System Toolbox
Robotics System Toolbox
Bioinformatics Toolbox
Robust Control Toolbox
Communications Toolbox
Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox
Computer Vision System Toolbox
Signal Processing Toolbox
Control System Toolbox
Curve Fitting Toolbox
Data Acquisition Toolbox
Database Toolbox
Simscape Driveline
Datafeed Toolbox
Simscape Electrical
Deep Learning Toolbox
Simscape Electronics
DSP System Toolbox
Simscape Fluids
Econometrics Toolbox
Simscape Multibody
Embedded Coder
Simulink 3D Animation
Filter Design HDL Coder
Simulink Check
Financial Instruments Toolbox
Simulink Code Inspector
Financial Toolbox
Simulink Coder
Fixed-Point Designer
Simulink Control Design
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
Simulink Coverage
Global Optimization Toolbox
Simulink Design Optimization
GPU Coder
Simulink Design Verifier
HDL Coder
Simulink Desktop Real-Time
HDL Verifier
Simulink PLC Coder
Image Acquisition Toolbox
Simulink Real-Time
Image Processing Toolbox
Simulink Report Generator
Instrument Control Toolbox
Simulink Requirements
LTE HDL Toolbox
Simulink Test
LTE Toolbox
Spreadsheet Link
Mapping Toolbox
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
MATLAB Compiler
Symbolic Math Toolbox
System Identification Toolbox
MATLAB Report Generator
Text Analytics Toolbox
Model Predictive Control Toolbox
Trading Toolbox
Model-Based Calibration Toolbox
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset
OPC Toolbox
Vehicle Network Toolbox
Optimization Toolbox
Vision HDL Toolbox
Parallel Computing Toolbox
Wavelet Toolbox
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox
WLAN Toolbox
Phased Array System Toolbox
Commercial use of MathWorks products is not covered by our TAH license, so if you are using a commercial license, please continue to do so.
Interactive, Self-Paced Courses:
- Online Self-Paced MATLAB Courses
- Task Oriented Lessons
Campus-wide Access to Online Training Suite
- 4 hours of introductory content to get students and faculty started
- 7 hours of solving Computational Mathematics with MATLAB
- 80 hours of developing and improving MATLAB skills
MATLAB Online - Use MATLAB through Your Browser
- No downloads
- No setup
- No installation
- No maintenance
- Use it anywhere, anytime, on any computer, laptop or Chromebook
MATLAB Mobile-Available for your iPhone, iPad, or Android deviceTeach with MATLAB and Simulink
- Matlab Grader
- Matlab Courseware
- Live editor
- Arduino Engineering (note: there are additional costs for hardware)
- Deep Learning onramp
- Log on & download
Start using the Matlab portal for the first time
1. Go to :
2. Click 'Sign in to get started' (in the section 'Get MATLAB and Simulink')
3. Login with your University credentials -> DO YOU AGREE WITH SHARING THIS DATA" -> "Yes, proceed to MathWorks Edu Service Provider"
4. Either create/login to a MathWorks account
Once you do that, you will be associated to our MATLAB license and will be able to:- Download and activate software on your personal computer (see notes)
- Start using MATLAB Online from a web browser
- During the installation select license 40749339-individual-academic-total headcount
- Select only the toolboxes you need. Selecting all toolboxes means a 21 gigabyte installation file. It's possible to install additional toolboxes afterwards.
- The installation of a newer Matlab version will not replace an older version. Both versions can be used side by side. You have the option to delete the older version. If you have saved any personal files within your MATLAB directory, be sure to place those files elsewhere before uninstalling MATLAB.
See the FAQ more information.
- Online Training Courses
1. Go to:
2. Scroll down to the section 'Learn to Use MATLAB and SimulinkClick'
3. Click on 'Get Started Now' for either 'Matlab Onramp' or 'Discover More Tutorials' - Costs
This service is offered free of charge to staff and students.
Commercial use of MathWorks products is not covered by our TAH license, please contact the Servicedesk for more information about commercial licenses.
- Conditions
All employees and students are eligible to download and install Matlab and Simulink on their university computers as well as their personally-owned computers.
The association with the Total Academic Headcount (TAH) license of the University is based on your or e-mail address.
Commercial use of MathWorks products is not covered by our TAH license, please contact the Servicedesk ICT for more information about commercial licenses.
- Who is eligible to use MATLAB products and on to which hardware?
All employees and students are eligible to download and install these products on their university computers as well as their personally-owned computers.
Commercial use of MathWorks products is not covered by our TAH license!
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - How can I update or reactivate my Campus-Wide TAH License?
Go for instructions to:
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - How do I install MATLAB as a new user?
- Go to:
- Click 'Sign in to get started' (in the section 'Get MATLAB and Simulink')
- Login with your University credentials (m-number/s-number) -> DO YOU AGREE WITH SHARING THIS DATA" -> "Yes, proceed to MathWorks Edu Service Provider"
- Either create/login to a MathWorks account (PLEASE, DO NOT USE YOUR UT PASSWORD FOR YOUR MATHWORKS ACCOUNT)
Once you do that, you will be associated to our MATLAB license and will be able to:
- Download and activate software on your personal computer (see notes)
- Start using MATLAB Online from a web browser
- During the installation select license 40749339-individual-academic-total headcount
- Select only the toolboxes you need. Selecting all toolboxes means a 21 gigabyte installation file. It's possible to install additional toolboxes afterwards.
- The installation of a newer MATLAB version will not replace an older version. Both versions can be used side by side. You have the option to delete the older version. If you have saved any personal files within your MATLAB directory, be sure to place those files elsewhere before uninstalling MATLAB.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - How do I install additional toolboxes?
- Go to:
- Click 'Sign in to get started'
- Login with your University credentials (m-number/s-number)
- Login with your University credentials (m-number/s-number) -> DO YOU AGREE WITH SHARING THIS DATA" -> "Yes, proceed to MathWorks Edu Service Provider"
Download the installer, run the installer and select the toolboxes you would like to add. (see notes)
- During the installation select license 40749339-individual-academic-total headcount
- Select only the toolboxes you need. Selecting all toolboxes means a 21 gigabyte installation file. It's possible to install additional toolboxes afterwards.
- The installation of a newer MATLAB version will not replace an older version. Both versions can be used side by side. You have the option to delete the older version. If you have saved any personal files within your MATLAB directory, be sure to place those files elsewhere before uninstalling MATLAB.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - Can I use MATLAB through a browser?
Yes. However, it is only possible to use MATLAB through your browser and no additional toolboxes.
Go to: answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - Which toolboxes are currently available?
Go to:
and click on 'See list of available products' (in the section 'Get MATLAB and Simulink')
for the current list of available toolboxes.This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - How do I activate MATLAB without an internet connection?
Go for instructions to:
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - Is it possible to follow MATLAB training courses ?
As part of the University of Twente's MATLAB site license, all faculty, staff, and students have access to hands-on learning through Online Training Courses - at no extra cost.
- Go to:
- Scroll down to the section 'Learn to Use MATLAB and Simulink'
- Click on 'Get Started Now' for either 'MATLAB Onramp' or 'Discover More Tutorials'
MATLAB Online Training Courses allows new and existing users to learn to use MATLAB effectively. Courses include interactive MATLAB exercises for fast and relevant learning. Quizzes test your knowledge and provide immediate feedback.
These online courses are intended for beginning users as well as those looking for more in-depth training.
Available courses:- MATLAB Onramp
- MATLAB Fundamentals
- MATLAB for Financial Applications
- MATLAB Programming Techniques
- MATLAB for Data Processing and Visualization
- Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with MATLAB
- Introduction to Linear Algebra with MATLAB
- Introduction to Statistical Methods with MATLAB
- Solving Nonlinear Equations with MATLAB
- MATLAB installation is not required. Just log in with your MathWorks account to begin.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - Is it possible to run MATLAB and Simulink computations on clusters, clouds, and grids?
Yes. For more information, please contact the Servicedesk ICT.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - What possibilities are there for teaching with MATLAB and Simulink ?
The TAH license includes the following modules:
- MATLAB Grader
- MATLAB Courseware
- Live editor
- Arduino Engineering (note: there are additional costs for hardware)
- Deep Learning onramp
For more information go to the section ‘Teach with MATLAB and Simulink’: answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - Is it possible for multiple users to use MATLAB on one computer?
Yes. For more information, please contact the Service Desk ICT.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback

Visit us: 8.30 - 17.00 on weekdays (location)
Call us: 8.00 - 17.30 on weekdays
To support you on the phone, we may ask you to open Teamviewer. The application has already been installed on UT Windows computers. For other devices, you may need to download Teamviewer.