Press releases/(research) news
The Communication Department is constantly searching for information and interesting stories about the UT that are relevant for the national, international, regional and local press. The purpose is to generate as much (positive) free publicity for the UT and its activities as possible. Communication writes, in collaboration with those involved, the press releases, approaches the media, draws up a communication plan and advises those who work and study at the UT about contact with journalists.
If you have a question or you want to supply a press release, please get in touch with the contact person of the communication department for your unit.
Information for externals (no students, employees or alumni) are published through:
- websites of faculties/schools and research institutes
Items for these websites may be submitted through the news/event submission form (intranet). If your item has already been placed on another UT website through the UT news/event system NEO, you may request placing it on an additional publication location using the 'publish' tab.