Theatercafé Vrijhof | A la carte restaurant

The Theater Café is used by different groups and for different purposes. You can have lunch, but also study, have a drink or have some dinner. There are music performances, but also serious debates and graduation drinks are organized.

The Theatre Café should be a place where students and other visitors like to meet, eat and relax. This is the place where people come together. During the warm months, the emphasis is on a cosy terrace, while in the colder months we take care of running through various gigs, a pub quiz or a tasting. There are all kinds of activities and the possibilities are endless! For example, think of:

  • A high-wine arrangement or a beer evening with local specialities
  • A 'beach party' with cocktails and a BBQ during the summer
  • A ladies night with food-to-share
  • A stew-tasting in the winter
  • ... And much more!


In addition to various tasty drinks, you can also have a bite to eat. In addition to an extensive drinks menu (from coffee to various soft drinks, beers and wines) we offer a range of various sandwiches, snacks and sop, as well as a number of dishes that are prepared immediately in our kitchen. 

Theatercafé Menus

Daily lunch is based on grab and go and dinner is a la carte.


Lunch is available on Monday till Friday fron 12.00 to 15.00.
Having dinner is possible on Monday till Thursday from 17.00 to 20.00.

For reservations, please contact 053-489 2380.

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